Crow's forehead bird

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Crow's forehead bird
Psarocolius decumanus.jpg

Crow's forehead bird ( Psarocolius decumanus )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Starlings (Icteridae)
Subfamily : Cacicinae
Genre : Forehead birds ( Psarocolius )
Type : Crow's forehead bird
Scientific name
Psarocolius decumanus
Pallas , 1769

The crows end Vogel ( Psarocolius decumanus ) is a bird art from the kind of oropendolas ( Psarocolius ) in the family of Icterids . Several subspecies are distinguished.


Females are about 36-38 cm long, males about 46-48 cm. The iris is blue, the bill ivory to pale greenish-yellow. The plumage is glossy black, on the rump and lower rump (crissum) of dark, maroon color. The control springs are yellow except for the central springs. The males wear an inconspicuous, hair-like hood . In the subspecies P. d. maculosus , the plumage is interspersed with a few yellow feathers.

distribution and habitat

Distribution area

The crow's forehead bird occurs in the lowlands of South America east of the Andes, from Panama and Colombia over the Brazilian Amazon basin to the northern tip of Argentina . In Trinidad and Tobago the subspecies P. d. insularis .

It can be found, sometimes rarely, sometimes very often locally, in different, damp and quite dry landscapes. It lives in rainforests, in forests on the edge of rivers, in secondary forests, deciduous forests as well as in agricultural landscapes with isolated trees and luge lands . However, he avoids extensive, flood-free terra firme forests . It is usually found below 1000 m.


The species is classified by the IUCN as “least concern”. In their large area of ​​distribution, the population is apparently stable. The species is rather common, albeit patchy.

Crows browbird in Trinidad


There are four subspecies:

  • Psarocolius decumanus decumanus Pallas , 1769 - Peru
  • Psarocolius decumanus insularis ( Dalmas , 1900) - Trinidad
  • Psarocolius decumanus maculosus ( Chapman , 1920) - Peru, Bolivia, Brazil
  • Psarocolius decumanus melanterus ( Todd , 1917) - Panama

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Robert S. Ridgely, Guy Tudor, William L. Brown: The Birds of South America: The oscine passerines. University of Texas Press, 1989, ISBN 978-0-292-70756-6 , p. 375.
  2. Thomas Scott Schulenberg , Douglas Forrester Stotz , Daniel Franklin Lane, John Patton O'Neill , Theodore Albert Parker III : Birds of Peru . Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey 2007, ISBN 978-0-7136-8673-9 , pp.  620 .
  3. Psarocolius decumanus in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2010.4. Listed by: BirdLife International, 2009. Retrieved January 19, 2011.
  4. ^ J. Jordan Price, Scott M. Lanyon: A robust Phylogeny of the Oropéndolas: Polyphyly revealed by Mitochondrial Sequence Data. In: The Auk 119 (2): 335-348, 2002 ( Online ; PDF; 344 kB)
  5. ^ ITIS, the Integrated Taxonomic Information System: Psarocolius decumanus (Pallas, 1769). ( Online )

Web links

Commons : Psarocolius decumanus  - collection of images, videos and audio files