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The kraurosis vulvae (lat. Craurosis ) is a chronic skin disease ( dermatosis ) of the vulva (Craurosis vulvae; classified as vulvar dystrophy ) or of the penis (penis Craurosis; Syn lichen sclerosus et atrophicus penis.). These are changes in the transitional epithelium and the underlying connective tissue with atrophic skin shrinkage. Kraurosis is particularly common in men and women of older age, but is not limited to these.


Kraurosis is characterized by atrophic and sclerotic skin changes with a whitish color, which are accompanied by shrinkage of skin areas and painful tears as well as intense itching . This can lead to the formation of squamous cell carcinoma , i.e. vulvar cancer or penile cancer , with early formation of metastases , which is why kraurosis is classified as a facultative precancerosis .


Kraurosis is treated in the early stages with ointments containing sex hormones or corticosteroids , or with systemic estrogen administration. In the case of advanced development and suspicion of malignant tumors, the identified foci are surgically removed.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Keyword "Kraurose" in Pschyrembel Dictionary Sexuality. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2006; Page 293. ISBN 3-11-016965-7 .
  2. a b Keyword "Craurosis" in Pschyrembel Medical Dictionary. 257th edition, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1993; Page 1648. ISBN 3-933203-04-X .