Kristofer Janson

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Kristofer Janson

Kristofer Nagel Janson (born May 5, 1841 in Bergen , Norway, † November 17, 1917 in Copenhagen , Denmark) was a Norwegian writer.

Kristofer Janson joined the Landsmål language movement in Christiania , where he studied theology until 1865 , and later headed a so-called folkehøgskole (community college) for several years , ie a school for young women and men mainly from rural areas.

At the same time he appeared as a narrator with stories from peasant life, such as

  • Fraa Bygdom (1865)
  • Han og ho
  • Marit Skjølte (1868)
  • Torgrim (1872)
  • Den Bergtekne (1876) and others also published a volume of lyrical poems: Norske Dikt (1867) and a historical tragedy: Jon Arason (1867).

In 1876 he received an annual salary of 1,600 kroner from Storting in Norway for his services to language and literature.

Other poems by Janson (like the earlier ones written in Landsmål) are:

  • Sigmund Bresteson , epic poem (1872)
  • Fraa Dansketidi , historical novel from the 16th century (1875)
  • Austanfyre sol og Vestanfyre Maane , fairy tale poem (1879)

The modern drama En kvindeskjæbne (1879), on the other hand, is written in the Riksmål .

In 1882 he moved to America, where he became a preacher in a Unitarian church. On his initiative, the Unitarian Church in Norway was founded, to which Edvard Grieg belonged. His most mature poetry in several respects, Præriens Saga (1885), was written there. He also wrote a number of leaflets and emerged as a freethinking theologian.


  • Idar Handagard: Kristofer Janson , Oslo 1944.
  • Kristofer Janson: Hvad jeg har oplevet: livserindringer. Kristiania 1913.
  • Helge Juvik: Samfunnskritikk and reformtanker i Kristofer Jansons diktning fra 1891 til 1914. Hovedoppgave i nordisk - Universitetet i Oslo, 1981
  • Anne Lofthus Solheim, Rolf Erik Solheim: Visdomsperspektivenet: en guddommelig saga om Kristofer Janson and åndshøvdingene på hans tid. Høvik 2004, ISBN 82-300-0067-0 .

Web links

Commons : Kristofer Janson  - Collection of images, videos and audio files