Crypt of Deserved Poles on Skałka Hill

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Crypt of Deserved Poles on Skałka Hill

The crypt of deserving Poles on the Skałka Hill ( Polish Crypt Zasłużonych na Skałcie , Panteon Zasłużonych , Groby Zasłużonych Polaków , Sepulcrum Patriae , also known as the cemetery of important Poles ) is a crypt located in the basement of the Kraków St. Michael's and St. Skałka Hill is located. It was built in 1880 as a result of the building project by Józef Łepkowski in 1876. The entrance arch bears the Latin inscription: Credo, quod Redemptor meus vivit (“I believe that my Redeemer lives”).


Year of burial person Remarks Graves
1880 Jan Długosz
Chronicle and historian, author of one of the most outstanding works of European historiography of the Middle Ages. Buried on the Skałka hill on the 400th anniversary of his death.
1881 Wincenty Pol
Poet, writer, geographer, participant in the November Uprising .
Lucjan Siemieński
Poet, writer, literary critic and translator, participant in the November Uprising . The remains come from the Rakowicki cemetery .
1887 Józef Ignacy Kraszewski
Poet, writer, publicist, editor, historian, social and political activist. The sarcophagus contained lead in his chest and newspaper articles from the day of his burial.
1893 Teofil Lenartowicz
Ethnographer, sculptor, poet. His funeral was preceded by a dispute over Kraków and Lviv as burial sites. Adam Asnyk spoke over the sarcophagus .
1897 Adam Asnyk
Poet and writer, member of the National Council during the January Uprising .
1902 Henryk Siemiradzki
Painter, representative of academism. His funeral was particularly stately in gratitude for his outstanding painting Pochodnie Nerona , which led to the establishment of the painting collection in the State Museum .
1907 Stanisław Wyspiański
Dramaturge, poet, painter, graphic artist, architect.
1929 Jacek Malczewski
Painter, one of the main representatives of symbolism at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
1937 Karol Szymanowski
Composer, pianist, educator and music critic. His heart was transferred to Warsaw, where it burned in the Warsaw Uprising .
1954 Ludwik Solski
Actor, director, theater director.
1955 Tadeusz Banachiewicz
Mathematician, astronomer and geodesist. Buried on Skałka Hill a year after his death thanks to the support of Kazimierz Kordylewski .
2004 Czesław Miłosz
Lawyer, diplomat, poet, prose writer, esotericist, literary historian and translator; Nobel Prize for Literature (1980). During the funeral, a letter from Pope John Paul II was read, recalling his last correspondence with the poet.
Sarkofag Czesława Miłosza na Skałce.jpg

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