Kuban group

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Prize amphoras of the Kuban Group, Hildesheim, Roman and Pelizaeus Museum
Prize amphora of the Kuban group, London, British Museum B 606

The Kuban Group (English Kuban Group ) is one with a provisional names designated group of Attic vase painter who at the end of 5th and the beginning of the 4th century BC. Chr. Panathenaic prize amphorae produced. These are probably the prize vases of the Panathenaic Mountains from 406, 402, 398 and 394 BC. The group is named after an amphora from the Kuban area .

The vessels are decorated with black figures in the tradition of the price amphora , at a time when only red-figure vases were actually produced. Stylistically, several vase painters can be separated, one of whom is identified with Aristophanes , a second comes from the circle of the Pronomos painter .


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