Kynopolis (Upper Egypt)

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Kynopolis (also Kynopolites ) was the ancient Greek name of an ancient Egyptian city. The Greek name of the temporary capital of the 17th Upper Egyptian Gaus κυνοπολἰτης was κυνῶν πολις - City of dogs , the Egyptian name Hr-dj .

According to reports by the Greek author Ptolemy , the city was on an island. Today the exact location of the city is not known, it is believed to be near Sheikh Fadl , where a dog cemetery was found. The city was mentioned frequently in texts from the time of the New Kingdom . It was the place of worship of the dog-headed god Anubis . During a civil war in the reign of Ramses XI. the city was destroyed. The place is also known because of a violent conflict with the neighboring town of Oxyrhynchos . Plutarch reports that Nil pike , which were sacred to the Oxyrhynchians, were eaten in Kynopolis . As a result, they killed the dogs, sacred to the Cynopolians, and an armed conflict broke out.



  1. Ptolemaois 4,5,29.
  2. ^ Plutarch, de Iside et Osiride 72.