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LÜKEX is an acronym for L changeable and departmental above sea mountain maturing K risenmanagementübung ( EX ercise) and the model for regular exercises in the Federal Republic of Germany . The aim of LÜKEX is to improve the joint crisis management of the federal and state governments, including critical infrastructures (KRITIS ), in national crises due to exceptional danger and damage situations at a strategic level. On the state side, the federal ministries and subordinate authorities as well as on the state level the interior ministries and the departments involved in the respective scenario practice.

The LÜKEX exercises planned by the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) in accordance with the specifications of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Home Affairs in cooperation with the federal states are part of a series of national crisis management exercises that will enhance the effectiveness of the "New Strategy for the Protection of the Population “(Decided in 2002) should try. Under changed conditions, they tie in with the NATO " WINTEX exercises", which until 1989 took place regularly against the background of the East-West conflict and in the "CIMEX" section, in addition to the military part, contained essential components of " civil defense ".

The general organization at government level and the cooperation of different federal states with the federal ministries are primarily practiced. LÜKEX is an exercise on a strategic-administrative level, i. H. the crisis teams that have been called up practice it without deploying operational units. The aim of the multi-day exercises is the strategic management of long-term damage situations and, above all, they train the overarching cooperation and communication between ministries and authorities at federal and state level, operators of critical infrastructures and aid organizations. The Bundeswehr can also be involved in the exercise if administrative assistance (in accordance with Article 35 of the Basic Law ) can be requested in the scenario .


The exercise takes place about every two years. In each exercise cycle there are different phases to go through.

After the planning phase, in which the topic or the scenario of the next exercise is determined in a political process, there is extensive preparation with detailed research and technical coordination of the respective exercise scenario. These scenarios are designed realistically in order to keep the exercise artificiality as low as possible. In order to demand the crisis management of all those involved in the exercise as intensively as possible, “worst case” scenarios are created that are extremely unlikely. The preparation phase is the most time-intensive part of the exercise. During this time, before the actual exercise, comprehensive networks are formed in which the crisis management structures are consolidated. There are also many subject-specific events, such as the theme days. This is where the large "LÜKEX community" comes together. The results of these specialist conferences are published by the BBK.

The actual implementation of the exercise begins when the plan is discussed a few weeks before the two exercise days. The exercise participants have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the "development". The fictitious exercise situation already exists here. A framework is set up that makes the prepared appointments to the crisis teams appear realistic. As soon as they start working on the first day of the exercise, the special positions are then recorded. A special feature of LÜKEX is that the people who actually act come together in the crisis teams, i.e. up to the highest decision-making level of the state secretaries in the real crisis team rooms during the exercise distributed in the ministries and authorities on site. A main aspect of the exercise is the practice and improvement of the exchange of information between the actors, the decision-making, the communication channels and the ability to forecast.

The exercise is led by the Central Exercise Control (ZÜST) in the Academy for Crisis Management, Emergency Planning and Civil Protection of the BBK in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler , supported by subordinate local exercise leaders. Their task is to coordinate the recordings and to organize the implementation as well as to control the corresponding reaction. The web-based software "AURIGA" was developed to support the exercises; it replaces the predecessor "deNIS II üsa " ("ÜSA" = exercise control application). AURIGA enables the script created for the exercise to be presented, the development of the exercise situation to be followed, the exercise process to be documented and assessed and the process to be professionally evaluated.

Fictitious media content (TV news programs, radio programs, newspaper articles) created specifically for the exercise in advance of or during the exercise, and inquiries from media representatives, ensure a realistic atmosphere in the leading groups. In addition, a simulation of social media channels is set up in which role players represent the population and, in combination with the fictitious media content, generate media pressure that is as realistic as possible.

After the exercise, a sustainable evaluation of the exercise takes place. Initially, the participating actors are responsible for evaluating the exercise in detail. Each participant has the chance to reflect on their work. The overall evaluation compiled by the BBK provides impetus for the further training of crisis teams and strategies at federal and state level. The overarching results and exercise findings are published in the interests of sustainability.

Exercise scenarios

The previous exercises included the following scenarios:

year Threat situation
2021 Cyber ​​attack on government activities
2018 Gas shortage in southern Germany
2015 Storm surge on the North Sea (canceled due to the refugee crisis )
2013 Biological threat (foodborne viral epidemic)
2011 Cyber ​​terrorism, infection of important IT systems by PC viruses
2009/2010 (January 27-28, 2010) large-scale terrorist CBRN ( dirty bomb ) threat
2007 Flu pandemic
2005 Sources of danger from World Cup / major events
2004 Winter extreme weather with extensive power failure

In view of the increasing number of refugees, the federal and state governments canceled the storm surge exercise planned for November 2015 . All parties involved agree that no further forces should be tied up for a stress test. This was reported by the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief.

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance - LÜKEX. Retrieved October 11, 2019 .
  2. National security provision . Retrieved October 22, 2019 .
  3. Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Aid - LÜKEX - exercise cycle. Retrieved October 11, 2019 .
  4. Interview series “Behind the Scenes of the LÜKEX 18” on scenario development and script. Retrieved October 11, 2019 .
  5. ^ BBK: LÜKEX conference volumes . Ed .: Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief. 2018.
  6. Interview series “Behind the scenes at LÜKEX 18” with the head of the central exercise control - where all information comes together. Retrieved October 11, 2019 .
  7. Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance - AURIGA. Retrieved October 11, 2019 .
  8. Interview series “Behind the scenes at LÜKEX 18” with the management of the “National Media Center”. Retrieved October 11, 2019 .
  9. BBK: Evaluation report LÜKEX 18. Accessed on October 22, 2019 .
  10. BBK website: Past exercises. Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, accessed on October 10, 2019 .
  11. The Bundeswehr and BSI may also be involved in LÜKEX 2018 . Authorities mirror. January 2018. Archived from the original on January 10, 2018. Retrieved on April 28, 2019.
  12. ↑ Conference of Interior Ministers: Report on Item 34 LÜKEX. (PDF) Standing Conference of Interior Ministers and Senators of the Länder "- briefly Interior Ministers Conference (IMK), October 11, 2017, accessed on October 11, 2019 .
  13. "Cyber ​​attack on government activities" is the topic of LÜKEX 21 . Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). November 2019. Retrieved December 3, 2019.
  14. DKKV Newsletter 02/2017. (PDF) German Committee for Disaster Risk Management V., February 2017, p. 2 , accessed on July 16, 2017 .
  15. LÜKEX 15 canceled - the refugee situation ties up resources. In: bbk.bund.de. September 2015, accessed September 8, 2015 .