Léonie Yahne

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Léonie Yahne

Léonie Yahne , actually Marie Léonie Jahn (* in the 19th century in Versailles ; † after 1913 ) was a French actress who is best known today for works by the painter Toulouse-Lautrec .


Léonie Yahne was born as Marie Léonie Jahn and is known as Yahne. In an 1899 newspaper article, she was described as one of the most beautiful and well-known Parisian actresses. At times she lived at 14 rue des Capucines.

In 1895 she played in Viveurs by Henri Lavedan , in Les Demi-Vierges by Marcel Prévost and in L'Âge difficile by Jules Lemaître . Toulouse-Lautrec's lithographs show the actress from this period. In 1896 she appeared in La Villa Gaby by Léon Gandillot , in 1897 in Jalouse by Alexandre Bisson and in La Douloureuse by Maurice Donnay , in 1898 she had a role in Mariage bourgeois by Alfred Capus and in 1899 she was seen in Petit chagrin by Maurice Vaucaire .

She played 1900 Roxane in Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand and 1901 the Nialka in Leon Alfred Fourneaus piece Pour être Aimée . In the same year she performed as Huguette in Famille .

In 1902 she played the Mirette in Les trois Glorieuses by Gosselin Lenotre .

In 1904 she had a role in L'embarquement pour Cythère by Émile Veyrin and in 1905 she played in Les Oberlé by Edmond Haraucourt .

In 1912 she appeared as Adinolfa in Impressions d'Afrique by Raymond Roussel and in 1913 she probably had a role in the silent film Max and Love ( Le duel de Max ).


In 1895, Toulouse-Lautrec created a lithograph showing Léonie Yahne and Henry Mayer in the piece L'Âge difficile by Jules Lemaître. Another lithograph from the same year bears the title Yahne dans sa loge .

Léonie Yahne was often photographed in the Nadar studio and by Léopold-Émile Reutlinger and was featured several times in the Le Théâtre magazine , in June 1903 and March 1913.

A colored photograph from 1899 shows Yahne in Plombières in her Cleveland car.


  • 1913: Le duel de Max


Web links

Commons : Léonie Yahne  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.culture.gouv.fr/public/mistral/joconde_fr?ACTION=RETROUVER&NUMBER=1&GRP=0&REQ=%28%28%27992.1.32%20A%27%29%20%3AINV%20%29&USRNAME= nobody & USRPWD = 4% 24% 2534P & SPEC = 9 & SYN = 1 & IMLY = & MAX1 = 1 & MAX2 = 1 & MAX3 = 100 & DOM = All
  2. The year of birth 1884 given here is not plausible, since Yahne was obviously an adult in 1895.
  3. Article from 1899
  4. address
  5. The collaboration with Henry Mayer apparently lasted at least until 1898, cf. an article in Le Temps dated September 26, 1898, regretting that the roles of the two actors have been cast and that they have left their homes.
  6. a b http://www.lesarchivesduspectacle.net/index.php?IDX_Personne=65897
  7. Roxane
  8. Nialka
  9. Huguette
  10. Mirette  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.gettyimages.com.au  
  11. L'embarquement
  12. Le duel de Max
  13. or André Antoine , cf. Christies
  14. Metmuseum
  15. Nadar
  16. Le Théâtre 1903
  17. Le Théâtre 1913
  18. Cleveland