L'Europe commence à Sarajevo

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L'Europe commence à Sarajevo (Europe begins in Sarajevo, short name: List Sarajevo) was a list for the European elections in France in 1994 . The list was founded by the philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy and headed by former Health Minister and MEP Léon Schwartzenberg . It consisted of well-known French intellectuals.

The aim of the list was to draw public attention to the situation in the Balkans . During the Bosnian War , the Bosnian capital Sarajevo had been besieged by Serbia since 1992 . The list called for the arms embargo against the Bosnian government to be lifted. The list was made on May 15, 1994 after the premiere of Levy's documentary Bosna! published and estimated at 4% to 12% in opinion polls at the end of May.

On May 30, Levy announced the withdrawal of the list. The aim of making the European parliamentarians aware of the situation in Bosnia had been achieved; the aim was never to move into the European Parliament . Formally, however, the list could no longer be withdrawn. In the election on June 12th, 1.57% of the valid votes were cast on the list, which means that the list did not make it into the European Parliament.

Other well-known list candidates


  1. The Independent Split hampers 'Sarajevo' campaign
  2. Élections européennes 1994