La Chanson du Dimanche

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La Chanson du Dimanche
The artists performing live in Saint-Lo (June 21, 2009)
The artists performing live in Saint-Lo (June 21, 2009)
General information
Genre (s) time-critical French chansons
founding 2007
Current occupation
Vocals and guitar
Clement Marchand
Vocals and synthesizers
Alexandre (Alec) Castagnetti
Chart positions
Explanation of the data
Plante un arbre
  FR 27 03/28/2009 (10 weeks)

La Chanson du Dimanche (in German: the song for Sunday ) is a French cabaret music group that works with online videos.


The group consists of only two members: Clément Marchand (voice and guitar) and Alexandre Castagnetti, aka "Alec" (voice and synthesizer). The cameraman for the videos is Damien Nacaud. Clément is a math teacher, Alec is a screenwriter and film director (“L'Incruste”, shot with Corentin Julius). Together they trained in telecommunications engineering and then worked in an Italian-French music group, Beaubourg . The idea of ​​composing a new song every week did not meet with much response from the other members, but Damien, the group's lighting technician, finally convinced them to try it together.


Since February 2007, they have been putting a humorous song in video form on the Internet every Sunday, especially on the video portal Dailymotion (the French Youtube ) and MySpace . In December 2007, 2 million users had already seen their music videos and their podcast was in the top 10, ahead of TF1 and M6 (French TV channels). Since March 2008 she can be heard every Monday on the Le Mouv 'radio station on the Mouv'Session program. A DVD was released on May 19, 2008.

What was just “a game, a fun experiment” in the beginning, according to Alec, has become a national phenomenon that is no longer limited to the Internet. The group's first major success was “Petit Cheminot” (Little Train Driver) about the public transport strike in November 2007! After a few concerts in Paris, including one with Les Fatals Picards, they have become a fixture in Chanson française. Numerous reports about her were broadcast on French television.

Basic concept

Clément and Alec meet every Friday evening to compose a song. The song is ready on Saturday, they choose a place in Paris where they shoot the video, which can then be watched on the Internet on Sunday. They proceed according to certain rituals:

  • The location is always different and often related to the subject of the song (mostly they just sit on the sidewalk).
  • Sitting on the left in the picture, Clément always wears the same beige shirt with red suspenders and blue jeans and sitting on the right Alec always wears the same black jacket, a green shirt, a gray tie and blue jeans.
  • Each video begins with a focus on an object (e.g. a poster) that is related to the topic. The camera then zooms back and Clément and Alec appear in the picture.
  • Then Alec says, “Salut! C'est la chanson du dimanche. La pêche! ”(“ La pêche ”in French, the peach:“ avoir la pêche ”in the figurative sense:“ in shape, in a good mood ”), Clément coughs, and they begin. In the end, Alec says: "see you next Sunday".

You can also tell that they are not cutting their hair; Based on the length of the hair or the hairstyle of the protagonists, the videos can easily be classified in time.

Themes and genres

In the beginning, the topics came mainly from everyday life, such as “Bonne humeur” (good mood), “Comme un lundi” (Like Mondays). Over time, they devoted themselves more and more to social issues: “Danse de l'info” (news dance), “Horoscope” (horoscope). Since the 2007 presidential election, politics has been the main topic: “Tu votes” (you choose), “Super pouvoir d'achat” (super purchasing power), “Standing ovation” (about Gaddafi's stay in Paris in December 2007), “Les JO du pékin "(about the illegal immigrants who have to do " sport " <JO = Jeux Olympiques = Olympic Games = run away etc.> every day ) etc.

The music styles are just as varied: disco ("Dancing all the night"), zouk-love ("Nicolas et Rachida", the President and the Justice Minister), folk ("Sunday song"), folk song ("Le Beaujo en vélib '" about the Beaujolais wine) ...


  • As with a series , the group publishes their videos in seasons, with each song within a season must contain a specific word. The first started on February 18, 2007 with “Bonne Humeur” and ended on June 17 with “Piscine Love”. Each of the 18 songs contained the word "piscine" (swimming pool).
  • The second started on September 23 with “Back in the business” and ended on December 23 with “La Marulanda”. The obligatory word was "Vélib '" (the Paris bike rental campaign initiated in the summer of 2007).
  • Between the 2nd and 3rd season, "Saint Valentin" came out (on the occasion of Valentine's Day ). On this occasion, Alec played on a piano and Clément on a different guitar than usual. The third season started on March 23rd with "MMM-UI-UI-M".
season 1
title translation content
Bonne Humeur Good mood ironic towards people who under no circumstances lose their good mood
Bluetooth Bluetooth critical of a life determined by computer science
Sunday song Sunday song Caricature of an American folk song
Comme un Lundi Like monday can you survive a Monday in the office?
Plante un arbre Plant a tree and have a healthy life
Cash money Cash money critical of the power of money
T'as pas découvert le feu You didn't discover the fire ironic about some people's hypocrisy towards environmental protection
Dancing all the night Dancing all the night Caricature of all English-language songs that only express banalities
À bas! Down with it! ironic about the naive dedicated people
Do votes You choose on the 2007 presidential election
Gardien de la paix Policeman ironic about the police officers' self-confidence
Coca light Coca light ironic about the hypocrisy of some rich people
Bon vivant the bon vivant be enjoyable!
En quete de buzz In search of reputation what one is willing to do for it
OGMan GVO man against the GMO
Roland Garros Roland Garros funny clichés about the subject
Bac ABCD Abitur (NB: There were various Abitur marked with letters) funny clichés about the subject
Piscine love a play on words with "peace in" and bathing facilities in French Romantic songs cartoon
season 2
title translation content
Back in the business Back in the business the disappointed hope that life will be brand new and beautiful after the summer vacation
Danse de l'info News dance ironic about the redundancy of the news
Horoscope horoscope ironic about astrology
Allez la France! France ahead! ironic about the excitement during the rugby world cup
Petit cheminot Little train driver an Englishman discovers the strikes in France
Vite vite vite fast fast ironic about the people who are always in a hurry
Go go go gringo Go go go gringo ironic about the alleged US world cops
Le Beaujo en Vélib ' Beaujolais wine and bike funny clichés about drunk people
Nicolas and Rachida Nicolas Sarkozy and Rachida Dati ironic about the president, the attorney general and their personal relationship
Super pouvoir d'achat Super purchasing power ironic about the affluent society
Miss France Miss France ironic about this national model lady
Standing ovation Standing ovation critical of Gadhafi's stay in Paris
La Marulanda Marulanda: The head of the FARC critical of the UMP members
season 3
title translation content
MMM-UI-UI-M UIMM: An employers' association critical of the government
Au pays d' Elisabeth In Elisabeth's land ironic about Sarkozy who can't speak English
Je ne ressemble pas I don't resemble that critical of addiction to power and money
Les JO du pékin The Olympic Games of the Lord Everyman for the illegal immigrants who have to "play sports" every day
Mazerfacker Moserföcker against government reforms
I got I got critical of the landlord's greed for money
Je suis un aventurier I am an adventurer about traveling (was shot in Africa)
Avancé-collé Forward together about what the travels can bring us (was shot in Africa)
Reformez ma vie Reform my life critical of the typical reform illusions
festival Festival ( Cannes International Film Festival ) about the deceptions in the movies and in politics
8 200 200 8 200 200 about the uselessness of the many SMS
O Barack O Barack about Barack Obama and John McCain with lots of puns
L'Euro de l'apéro Aperitif Euro about the different aperitifs in Europe
Aaah Chiche Ah the bet stands (pun on "hash") Carpe Diem

Web links

Commons : La Chanson du Dimanche  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Chart sources: FR
  2. a b Olivier Zilbertin: Le joyeux rendez-vous de La Chanson du Dimanche , in: Le Monde , December 5, 2007 [1]
  3. Stéphane Dreyfus: Les chansonniers du dimanche , in: La Croix, April 4, 2008
  4. a b News from France 2 , December 10, 2007
  5. ^ A b Grégory Philipps: "La chanson du dimanche": un succès phénoménal sur internet , France-Info, December 9, 2007
  6. ^ Mourad Guichard: La chanson du dimanche fait un tabac sur le net , in: Libération , December 7, 2007