La Cravate

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Original title La Cravate
Country of production France
Publishing year 1957
length 20 minutes
Director Alejandro Jodorowsky
script Alejandro Jodorowsky
production Saul Gilbert
music Edgar Bischoff
cut Saul Gilbert

La Cravate (alternative title: Les Têtes interverties or The Severed Heads ) is a French short film by Alejandro Jodorowsky from 1957 . The film was shot in Paris 1953-1957 and is based on the story The Transposed Heads of Thomas Mann . It was considered missing for almost 50 years and was only found in an attic in Germany in 2006 and released on DVD in 2007.


Since his beloved is only interested in his body and not in his head, a young man goes to a store to buy a new head. When he visits his lover with the new head, she casts him out again. Even after trying a number of other heads, he is not fond of them.


According to the Dangerous Minds website , the moral of the film is never to lose your head when love is not returned, but to find someone who loves you for who you are. The film is "a bizarre, funny and charming, and an impressive first work".

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anarcho-avant-garde: Alejandro Jodorowsky. Munich Film Festival, June 7, 2013, accessed on December 22, 2017 .
  2. a b Alejandro Jodorowsky's first film 'La Cravate'. In: Dangerous Minds. February 13, 2011, accessed December 22, 2017 .