Laine Mets

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Laine Mets (born December 22, 1921 as Laine Kallak in Annikvere , † April 28, 2007 in Tallinn ) was an Estonian pianist and music teacher.

Laine Kallak attended the Tallinn Conservatory until 1944, where she studied piano with Erika Franz . From 1945 to 1948 she was a student of Nadezhda Golubovskaya (1891–1975) at the Leningrad Conservatory. From 1948 to 1950 she took lessons with Anna Klas , after which she completed a doctoral thesis at the Gnessin Institute in Moscow with Theodor Gutmann (1905-1995) until 1954 .

From 1974 Mets taught piano at the Tallinn Conservatory, where she held a professorship from 1981 and retired in 1994. She made her debut as a concert pianist in 1948 and has since performed regularly, with repertoire ranging from François Couperin , Domenico Scarlatti and Johann Sebastian Bach to Béla Bartók and Olivier Messiaen . She was particularly interested in Estonian composers such as Rudolf Tobias , Artur Lemba , Heino Eller , Ester Mägi and Eduard Tubin .


Her sister Virve Lippus (1926–1990) was also a pianist and professor, and Laine Mets' son Rein Mets (1957–2003) was also a pianist.
