Lamos (son of Heracles)

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Lamos ( Greek  Λάμος , also Λάμιος , Lamios) is a figure in Greek mythology .

As Apollonios of Aphrodisias reports in his 4th book of Karika , a story of Caria , in Stephanos of Byzantium , Lamos was the son of Heracles and Omphale . He drove out his half-brother Bargasos , the son of Heracles with the barge and eponym of the city of Bargasa .

The Malian city ​​of Lamia in central Greece was named after Lamos . In the Etymologicum magnum it is written Lamios.



  1. Apollonios of Aphrodisias with Stephanos of Byzantium sv Βάργασα (= FGrHist 740 F 2).
  2. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Λάμια ; Ovid , Heroides 9.54; Diodorus 4.31.
  3. Etymologicum magnum 555.51 (sv Λάμια ).