Lamprologus werneri

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Lamprologus werneri
Museum specimen from Lamprologus werneri

Museum specimen from Lamprologus werneri

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Lamprologini
Genre : Lamprologus
Type : Lamprologus werneri
Scientific name
Lamprologus werneri
Poll , 1959

Lamprologus werneri is a species of African cichlid that occurs in the western Congo Basin in the Malebo pool and in the rapids of the Congo downstream.


Lamprologus werneri has an elongated, graceful body, the height of which is 17 to 20.5% of the standard length . Males reach a standard length of 9 cm, females remain significantly smaller at just under 6 cm. The head length is around 30% of the standard length. The fish are gray with a purple tinge. There are five or six dark crossbars on the flanks. The dorsal and anal fins are dark in front and light gray in the back. The caudal fin is sometimes also darkly pigmented. The caudal fin and the soft rayed section of the dorsal fin are patterned with longitudinal rows of white dots. The teeth in both jaws are single-pointed and sharp. At the very front of the symphysis there are eight greatly enlarged fangs. The small teeth of the inner rows of teeth are arranged in 5 to 8 irregular rows. On the first gill arch there are 8 or 9 narrow gill rakes . Lamprologus werneri has 31 to 33 vertebrae. The cheeks are scaly, the gill cover is partially scaled. Towards the belly and near the dorsal fin, the scales get smaller and smaller. The dorsal and anal fins are scaly, the caudal fin is mostly scaly. Lamprologus werneri differs from all other Lamprologus species in the Congo Basin in that it has 15 trunk vertebrae, all others have 14 or, in rare cases, only 13. The intestine is short and its length is about 55% of the standard length. In gastric and intestinal examinations, the remains of insects and fish scales were found there.

Lamprologus werneri is a cave breeder and aggressive towards other conspecifics, the males are polygamous.


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