National culture

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Land culture is the cultivation of the (agricultural) land and includes all measures to improve rural development, soil conservation, soil improvement ( melioration ), land reclamation and land consolidation (Austrian: amalgamation ).

The national culture serves the preservation of the cultural landscape , the improvement of the agricultural production possibilities, the cultivation of the soil, the water balance for the irrigation of the agricultural land, the use of the resources of the soil, the water and the air, the plants and animals and thus the protection of the natural ones Livelihoods of man.

National culture is planning and acting in accordance with these goals. Opponents of these goals can be the goals of environmental protection or species protection .

In another, more general meaning, the term national culture, probably in ignorance of this actual meaning, is also used as the totality of the culture of a country (state), as its national culture.

The topic of national culture can be studied, for example, in the course cultural engineering or cultural engineering and water management with the aim of being a cultural engineer.

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