Landscape protection area Am Lärchen

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The conservation area at the larches a 5.55  ha large landscape conservation area (LSG) northwest of Canstein in the city of Marsberg . The area was designated in 2008 with the Marsberg landscape plan by the district council of the Hochsauerlandkreis . The LSG partly goes to the edge of the village. The LSG separates the two areas from the Klebberg nature reserve . It was identified as the joint area of ​​the two NSG parts.

Legal framework

The Am Lärchen conservation area was designated as one of 30 type C landscape planning areas, meadow valleys and ornithologically significant open land . In the Marsberg landscape plan area, there are also three landscape protection areas of LSG type A, general landscape protection , where, among other things, the construction of buildings is prohibited. Furthermore, 17 landscape protection areas of LSG type B, outskirts and landscape character , where additional first afforestation and also the planting of Christmas tree cultures, ornamental branches and tree nursery cultures are prohibited. As in the other 29 type C landscape protection areas in the Marsberg landscape planning area, the LSG Am Lärchen landscape protection area is also prohibited from converting grassland and fallow grassland into arable land or other forms of use. A maximum of two years of arable use within twelve years is permitted, provided that this prepares the renewal of the sward. This is considered an extended nursing shift . In the case of the extended care break , a minimum distance of 5 m from the central water bed must be maintained.


There is grassland and arable land in the Am Lärchen nature reserve. The grassland is used as pasture , mostly with cattle , and as a hay meadow.

Protection purpose

The designation was made to maintain, supplement and optimize a grassland biotope network system in the floodplains and the lean grassland communities in the nature reserves , so that animals and plants can keep migrating and spreading, and the preservation of the occurrence of protected bird species and the protection of species-rich plant communities.

See also


Coordinates: 51 ° 24 ′ 0.2 ″  N , 8 ° 54 ′ 44.8 ″  E