Harkortsee landscape protection area

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Landscape protection area Harkortsee (right side of the lake) and landscape protection area Schede / Auf dem Heil / Rostesiepen / Kallenberg / Harkortberg / Harkortsee / Ruhrauen (left side of the lake)

The Harkortsee landscape protection area with an area of ​​50.54  hectares is located in the area of ​​the independent city of Hagen in North Rhine-Westphalia . The landscape protection area (LSG) is located in the Vorhalle district of Hagen . The LSG was designated in 1994 with the landscape plan of the city of Hagen by the city council of Hagen.


The LSG covers the parts of the Harkortsee and Ruhr with parts of the south bank in the Hagen city area. It goes to the city limits in the lake to Wetter and Herdecke in the Ennepe-Ruhr district . The part of the lake in the Ennepe-Ruhr district is part of the Schede / Auf dem Heil / Rostesiepen / Kallenberg / Harkortberg / Harkortsee / Ruhrauen conservation area . Some of the bank areas also belong to the LSG, while two marinas do not belong to the LSG. In Hagen, the nature reserve Former Yachthafen Harkortsee , the nature reserve Kaisbergaue , camping sites and a sewage treatment plant are adjacent.

Protection purpose

According to the landscape plan, the designation took place "because of the diversity, uniqueness and beauty of the landscape in particular, the Harkortsee and because of its special importance as a recreational area close to the city for the population of the cities of Hagen and Wetter".

Special prohibitions in the LSG

In addition to the usual prohibitions in landscape protection areas in Hagen, special prohibitions have been issued for the LSG. In the LSG it is forbidden to swim in the Harkortsee, and to step on and drive on the ice surface in winter. To protect water birds, it is forbidden to enter the pond rose fields with boats. This ban also applies to non-motorized boats.

See also


  • City of Hagen: Landscape plan of the city of Hagen. Hagen 1994

Web links

Commons : Harkortsee  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b landscape plan of the city of Hagen. (PDF) In: hagen.de. December 1994, pp. 237-291 , accessed on April 22, 2018 (updated 2010).

Coordinates: 51 ° 23 ′ 36.2 "  N , 7 ° 24 ′ 31.2"  E