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View over the Harkortsee towards the weather
View over the Harkortsee towards the weather
Tributaries: Dysentery
Drain: Dysentery
Major cities nearby: Hagen , Herdecke , Wetter
Harkortsee (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Coordinates 51 ° 23 '42 "  N , 7 ° 24' 12"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 23 '42 "  N , 7 ° 24' 12"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: 19 ?? - 1931
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 89  m above sea level NN
Water surface 1.37 km²dep1
Reservoir length 3.2 kmdep1
Reservoir width 335 mdep1
Storage space 3.1 million m³
Viaduct herdecke.jpg
The Ruhr Viaduct near Herdecke marks the beginning of the Harkortsee
Friedrich Harkort (Ship) .jpg
Passenger ship Friedrich Harkort

The Harkortsee between the cities of Hagen , Herdecke and Wetter is a reservoir created by the Ruhrverband as a river sewage treatment plant and completed in 1931 in the course of the Ruhr in North Rhine-Westphalia , Germany . The Harkortsee is one of a total of six Ruhr reservoirs .

The lake in numbers

The lake has a good 3.1 million cubic meters of storage capacity. The Ruhr viaduct between Hagen and Herdecke marks its beginning in the course of the river . Its end is a weir below the Ruhr bridge of the B 226 between Hagen and Wetter with a water level of almost eight meters. The Harkortsee is bordered to the north by steep slopes of the Ardey Mountains , which offer wide views of the landscape.

The lake and its three functions

Basically, the Harkortsee was created for the fine purification of the Ruhr water , especially because in the past both Lenne and Volme discharged significantly polluted water , some of which continue to discharge. The sewage treatment plant in Hagen was modernized between 2003 and 2005, so that the residual pollutants discharged from there in considerable quantities after the treatment have since been considered to be negligible.

Biological self-cleaning processes are decisive for improving the water quality in the reservoir . Since its water flows very slowly, the reservoir becomes muddy. It therefore has to be dredged again after several decades .

It also has the function of a compensation basin for the Hengsteysee upstream with its Herdecke pumped storage power plant . As a result, the water levels of the two reservoirs fluctuate daily. From the Harkortsee, however, as much water is drained evenly over the day as the total - but irregularly - flows in.

From the beginning, the lake named after Friedrich Harkort has also been used for recreational purposes, both for water sports and for quiet relaxation on the lake shore.

Panoramic picture of the castle Weather photographed from

Tourism on the lake

The Wetter Castle, located in Freedom , is located directly on the Harkortsee and opposite in Hagen is the Werdringen moated castle with the nationally known Museum of Prehistory and Early History. The Cuno power plant is located on the Herdecker Ruhrufer . In the warm season the passenger ship Friedrich Harkort operates on the lake , there is also a boat rental and a mini golf course .

Protected areas

Due to its importance for species, nature and landscape protection, both the lake area and the bank areas of the Harkortsee are protected by various instruments.

Nature reserves

Landscape protection areas

Fauna-flora habitat area

Kaiserstrasse and rocks at the Harkortsee

The FFH area Felsen am Harkortsee with the area number 4510-301 has an area of ​​2.52 ha. It identifies natural and anthropogenic, but already very naturally developed rock groups on the south-east exposed mountain slope north of the Harkortsee .

The Appendix II species is protected : Magnificent thin fern

See also


  • Thomas Brinkmann: Sediment dredging on Harkortsee - first basic cleaning after 70 years of operation. - Article in: Herdecker Blätter, Heft 16 (November 1999), pp. 31–33

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.personenschifffahrt-meyer.de/
  2. Profiles of the Natura 2000 areas. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation , accessed on May 31, 2020 .

Web links

Commons : Harkortsee  - Collection of images, videos and audio files