Landscape protection area valley slopes of Alme and Afte

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The nature reserve valley slopes of Alme and Afte with 355.70  hectares is located in the urban area of Büren in the Paderborn district . The landscape protection area (LSG) was designated by the district council in 2007 with the first amendment to the  Büren-Wünnenberg landscape plan from 1996. The LSG consists of ten sub-areas and partly borders directly on other protected areas such as the Alme- and Afteaue nature reserve . Partial areas are located directly on the outskirts of Büren and villages. In Büren and in Wewelsburg there is also one area in the settlement area.  


The LSG includes a richly structured cultural landscape in the area of ​​the valley slopes of Alme and Afte . Due to the morphology and slope inclination, grassland is predominantly used. There are also numerous field trees and smaller forests in the LSG. Arable use is only possible in flatter slope areas. There are also orchards in the area.

It is forbidden to affect orchards or to remove them without a permit. For the care of the orchards, including the soil maintenance, there is the possibility of funding within the framework of the contractual nature conservation ( cultural landscape program ). If a permit is granted to remove fruit trees, appropriate compensation and replacement must be created, including regular tree and soil maintenance.

See also


  • Paderborn district: Büren-Wünnenberg landscape plan, 1st amendment . Paderborn 2007.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Paderborn district: Bürener Almetal landscape plan, Paderborn 2007. P. 26 ff

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