Lantpert (Bavaria)

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Lantpert or Landfried (* before 636 , † after 680 ) from the Agilolfinger dynasty was the successor of his father Theodo I, Duke of the Bavarians in Baiern . His mother was Gleisnod, the daughter of the Lombard Duke of Friuli, Gisulf II .


The holy Emmeram was three guest on Bavarian ducal court of Agilolfinger in Regensburg and to have been there, known for its chaste lifestyle. Rather surprisingly, he broke off his missionary work in Bavaria and went on a pilgrimage to Rome . At the same time it became known that Uta , the Duke's young daughter, was pregnant. Lantpert seized the traveler, scornfully called him brother-in-law ( Aie, episcope et gener noster! ), Only to mutilate him after his refusal to marry his sister, which led to Emmeram's imminent death.

While Uta left the country to be married to a nobleman in the distance, Lantpert was deposed a little later, when he was already Duke in Baiern, after the intervention of the Frankish kings and banished to the Avars , where he remained until his death. Theodo II was his successor .


  1. ^ Béla Miklós Szőke: The Danube and the last days of the Avar Khaganate . In: Archaeolingua . Ten Thousand Years along the Middle Danube . Budapest 2011, p. 267.


predecessor Office successor
Theodo I. Duke of Bavaria
Theodo II