Laurentius Laurentianus

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Laurentius Laurentianus (also: Laurentianus Florentinus , Laurentius Laurentianus Florentinus ; † 1515 ) was an Italian medic and philosopher . He worked as a professor in Florence and Pisa .


He translated the writings of Hippocrates of Kos from Greek into Latin, and made "very nice comments" about Galen . These sentenz-like comments have been preserved in incunabulum prints. Its publisher was Antonio di Bartolomeo Miscomini. With his way of working to comment on ancient authorities (which were handed down through Arab authors such as Rhazes and Avicenna ), he can be seen as a typical representative of scholasticism , which also determined the study of medicine in the early Renaissance . This puts him on a par with his colleagues Giovanni Arcolani , Gerhardus de Solo, Gentile da Foligno and Hugo Senensis .

When buying a house, he paid a third down payment and made it a condition that if he did not make a deduction from the remaining sum in six months, the money paid down, along with the house, should be forfeited to the seller. When he had no money on payday, he threw himself into a well in 1515.


  • In librum De elocutione (Expositio in libros De interpretatione), 1494.

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