Lazarus Mannheimer

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Stumbling block for Lazarus Mannheimer in Karlsruhe

Lazarus Mannheimer (born February 19, 1886 in Eberbach am Neckar ; † (probably) August 9, 1942 in Auschwitz concentration camp ) was a teacher and cantor of the Jewish faith .


Lazarus Mannheimer was the son of the businessman Leopold Mannheimer and his wife Barbara, nee. Schwab. From 1907 to 1902 he worked as a primary school teacher in Bodersweier . In 1912 he married Regina, b. Bensinger (1868–1942 in Auschwitz concentration camp). The couple moved to Kehl , where Mannheimer also worked as a primary school teacher and was also active as a cantor in the Jewish community. He was also the local chairman of the Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith (CV) . In 1925 Mannheimer was elected to the citizens' committee of the city of Kehl, in 1930 he joined the German state party . At the beginning of April 1933 he was arrested, dismissed from school and had to resign from the citizens' committee. After the November pogrom in 1938, he and other Jewish citizens of Kehl were deported to the Dachau concentration camp . After his release, he moved with his wife to Karlsruhe , where on December 1, 1939, he got a job in the Jewish school department.

Together with numerous other Jewish fellow citizens, Regina and Lazarus Mannheimer were deported to Gurs in southwest France on October 22nd as part of the so-called Wagner-Bürckel campaign . Both had to go through different French camps. On August 7, 1942, they were deported to Auschwitz on Transport 29, where they were probably murdered on August 9, 1942, immediately after their arrival.

Stumbling block for Lazarus Mannheimer in Kehl

In front of their last apartment in Karlsruhe at Kreuzstrasse 3, two stumbling blocks were laid in 2008 that are reminiscent of Lazarus and Regina Mannheimer. Another stumbling block for Lazarus Mannheimer lies in front of the main portal of the Falkenhausenschule in Kehl, where Mannheimer taught.


  • In Kehl the "Lazarus-Mannheimer-Straße" was named after Mannheimer.


  • Jürgen Stude: Lazarus Mannheimer (1886–1942) - cantor in Kehl . In: Jürgen Stude, Bernd Rottenecker, Dieter Petri: Jewish life in the Ortenau. seitenweise, Bühl 2018, ISBN 978-3-943874-25-9 , pp. 188-189.