Teaching prince

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The term teaching prince denotes a teacher, master or mentor , nowadays mainly in hunting , historically but also in forestry in general. The name was also adopted as the title for hunting textbooks.


The hunters who are being trained by the Prince Apprentice are referred to as young hunters regardless of their age and with reference to the recently passed hunter examination .

The teaching prince acts as a mentor for the still inexperienced young hunter, imparts practical hunting knowledge and offers the young hunter a chance to hunt in his hunting ground (also referred to as the teaching ground in this context). The young hunters supports the teaching Prince at Hege, hunting and other work in the area in return, such as the fulfillment of the shooting plan , the construction and maintenance of hunting equipment such as high chairs and feeding as well as in the creation and maintenance of wild fields , Luder courts and game paths.


In Austria, the leader of a hunting training course has recently been referred to as a teaching prince.


  • Melanie Restle: The successful hunter test for dummies (= for dummies ). 1st edition. Wiley, Weinheim 2018, ISBN 978-3-527-81530-2 , The young hunter and the teaching prince.

Individual evidence

  1. Julia Numßen: Manual hunter language . BLV, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-8354-1728-1 ( limited preview in the Google book search [accessed on February 5, 2020] without page numbers): “Lehrprinz - Auch Lehrherr; traditional name for an older, experienced hunting instructor who trains young hunters. "
  2. a b c d Melanie Restle: The successful hunter test for dummies (=  for dummies ). 1st edition. Wiley, Weinheim 2018, ISBN 978-3-527-81530-2 , Der Jungjäger und der Lehrprinz ( limited preview in Google book search [accessed February 5, 2020]).
  3. Teaching Prince . In: Former Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 8 , issue 7/8 (edited by Heino Speer and others). Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1989, ISBN 3-7400-0096-1 ( adw.uni-heidelberg.de ).
  4. teaching prince. In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . tape 12 : L, M - (VI). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1885, Sp. 576-577 ( woerterbuchnetz.de ).
  5. Result for 'Lehrprinz'> 'Buch'. In: WorldCat.org. Retrieved February 6, 2020 .