Passionate calculation

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German title Passionate calculation
Original title Conceiving Ada
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1997
length 85 minutes
Director Lynn Hershman-Leeson
script Lynn Hershman-Leeson, Eileen Jones
production Lynn Hershman-Leeson, Henry S. Rosenthal
music The Residents
camera Bill Zarchy
cut Robert Dalva
Ada Lovelace, Government Art Collection, Photo: Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1793–1872)

Passionate Calculation is a 1997 American film directed by Lynn Hershman-Leeson . The film, which refers to the first female computer pioneer Ada Lovelace , is listed under the Fantasy category.


Ada Lovelace is considered to be the first programmer to describe sequences of commands. She worked for Charles Babbag's Analytical Engine creating subroutines, loops, and conditional jumps. Because of these notes, she was named the world's first woman programmer.


The researcher Emma makes contact with the long deceased Ada Lovelace from Victorian England. Using a generic code, she communicates with her via her computer. Emma Coer is working as a scientist on a research project with the aim of making historical events tangible. She deals with artificial life. With the help of "immortal waves of information" she tries to communicate with those who have died in history. Ada Lovelace is portrayed as a modern woman who defies the social boundaries of her time.


Each scene is like a DNS - model structured. This results in a scientific analogy to the structure of the narrative structure. The film was shot on 35 mm celluloid film and is 85 minutes long.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c , Lynn Hershman Leeson
  2. , passionate calculation
  3. 9th paragraph I , The Trouble with Ada
  4. , passionate calculation
  5. , passionate calculation
  6. a b , Tilda Swinton, accessed on January 25, 2016