Leninakan Children's Railway

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Gyumri Children's Railway
Line of the Leninakan Children's Railway
Route (red, in the left third of the map)
Route length: 2.7 km
Gauge : 750 mm ( narrow gauge )
0.0 Schoger ( Шогер )
Shushan ( Шушан )
2.7 Aitsemnik ( Айтсемник )

The Leninakan Children's Railway was an approximately 2.7 kilometers long, narrow-gauge children's railway in the Armenian city ​​of Gyumri .


The line was opened in 1969 as one of the many pioneer railways in the Soviet Union and shut down on December 7, 1988 as a result of an earthquake .

During the earthquake, the depot in which the Finnish steam locomotive Ft4-028 was parked collapsed, although it was spared serious damage. It was brought to the Pereslavl Narrow-Gauge Railway Museum in 1990 by railway enthusiasts , where it was restored and put back into operation.


The route was 2.7 kilometers long and ran along the edge of the Cherkessky Gorge, near the walls of the Red Fort. One of the stations has a solid building with a tower in the traditional style of Armenian architecture. Next to him, on the mountainside, was the locomotive depot.

Temporarily planned recommissioning

The Gyumri children's railway belonged at least in part to the South Caucasian railway Haravkowkasjan Jerkatughi , a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Russian State Railway , which operates the Armenian Railway. The Armenian Railway was handed over to the South Caucasian Railway on February 13, 2008 for a 30-year concession management with the right to extend the term for a further 10 years. According to its CEO Wiktor Rebez, the company planned to modernize the children's railway in Gyumri by August 5, 2013, the holiday of the railway workers. However, new satellite photos show that this plan has not yet been implemented (2018) .

Rail vehicles

Steam locomotive Ft4-028 (Фт4-028), taken in the Pereslavl Narrow Gauge Railway Museum , 2006
  • Steam locomotive Ft4-028
  • Diesel locomotive TU2
  • 4 Pafawag passenger cars

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Дмитрий Сутягин: Детские железные дороги СССР - История и современность: Гюмри (Ленинакан). In: dzd-ussr.ru, accessed April 16, 2019 (Russian).
  2. Dmitri Sutjagin: Children's Railways of the former USSR - Past and Present: Gyumri (Leninakan). In: dzd-ussr.ru, accessed on April 16, 2019 (English).
  3. Дмитрий Сутягин: Детские железные дороги СССР - История и современность: Ленинаканская ДЖД, Вид из космоса. In: dzd-ussr.ru, accessed on April 16, 2019 (Russian, satellite images with clickable route).
  4. Children's railways in yerevan to resume full operational August 5, (2012). In: arka.am, accessed April 16, 2019.

Coordinates: 40 ° 47 '4.99 "  N , 43 ° 49' 47.58"  O