Leo Dittmer

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Leo Dittmer (born September 28, 1915 in Schleerieth , Schweinfurt district; † October 6, 2000 in Würzburg ), was a German graphic artist and draftsman and from 1971 to 1980 professor at the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences .


Leo Dittmer spent school and youth in Würzburg. After attending the Würzburg art school, he studied in Paris at the École des Beaux Arts and the Académie de la grande Chaumière. Watercolors from this period reflect the atmosphere of the French countryside. After the end of the war he was a founding member and on the board of the Association of Artists in Lower Franconia (VKU).

As one of the Würzburg artists, he drew and watercolored pictures of Würzburg destroyed in 1945. Some of these works were purchased by the Mainfränkisches Museum Würzburg and the city of Würzburg.

From 1945 Leo Dittmer was a freelance commercial artist in Veitshöchheim near Würzburg and was one of the first freelance graphic designers in Lower Franconia. He worked for cities and municipalities as well as companies of national and international importance (such as Kindermann, Kneippwerke, Südzucker and others). In addition, he planned and organized exhibition stands at industrial and specialist trade fairs for his clients. He worked as an illustrator for the press and acted as a juror for tenders and competitions.

As a counterbalance to his work for industrial commercial graphics, Leo Dittmer went into nature with a pen, brush and paint. He strived for clear lines and simple order in the image structure. Expressing the essentials in a few quick strokes in the most concise form without neglecting the details was typical of his style. He drew urban planning impressions, churches, sections of nature, people in everyday situations and acts.

In 1956 Dittmer accepted the call as a lecturer for design at the arts and crafts school of the city of Würzburg, which later became the art school. When the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1971, Leo Dittmer was appointed university lecturer due to his artistic qualifications. His subjects were graphic design, design principles, life drawing, drawing and writing. For his teaching he went on trips to research the cultural history of writing. So he visited u. a. the Vatican Library in Rome, Lebanon and Egypt.

In 1979 he retired. Now a new creative period began. His works, which were part of group exhibitions from 1969 to 1984, have now been presented in solo exhibitions.

Solo exhibitions

  • 1986 Otto-Richter-Halle Würzburg
  • 1995 Veitshöchheim town hall
  • 2009 retrospective - Veitshöchheim town hall
  • 2015 Leo Dittmer on the 100th birthday

Group exhibitions


  • Leo Dittmer - drawings and watercolors - illustrated book for the 1986 exhibition