Leo von Rudloff

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Leo von Rudloff OSB (born January 31, 1902 in Düren as Alfred von Rudloff, † August 17, 1982 in Weston , Vermont , USA) was a German Benedictine.


Alfred von Rudloff was a younger brother of the Osnabrück auxiliary bishop Johannes von Rudloff . After graduating from high school, he entered Gerleve Abbey and took on the religious name Leo when he was professed in 1922 . From 1923 he studied at the University of the Benedictines in Rome, the Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo . In 1926 he was ordained a priest. In 1928 he was awarded a dissertation on Des hl. Thomas ' doctrine of the formal cause of the indwelling of God in the soul of the righteous to Dr. theol. PhD. During the Second World War he was professor of theology at the Newark Archdiocese Seminary in Darlington, New Jersey near Newark, New Jersey in the United States.

In 1950 the German Benedictines of the Dormition Abbey on Mount Zion in Jerusalem , who had to leave their monastery during the Second World War, were able to return there. Leo von Rudloff was sent by the Gerlever Abbot Pius Buddenborg as a visitor to lead the new beginning of the Benedictine community of the Dormition. In 1951 he was appointed its administrator and in 1952 its abbot. He founded a daughter monastery (Weston Priory) in Weston , Vermont in 1953 , which became independent in 1968.

Abbot Rudloff was a member of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity . At the Second Vatican Council , he headed the sub-commission that drafted Chapter 4 of the Declaration Nostra aetate - with a fundamental reorientation of the relationship between the Catholic Church and Judaism. This sub-commission also included Gregory Baum OSA and Johannes Oesterreicher .

After his resignation as abbot in 1968, Leo von Rudloff retired to Weston Priory in 1969.


  • Small lay dogmatics . Pustet, Regensburg 1935. 13 editions up to 1964, translated into numerous languages.
  • The testimony of the fathers. A source book on dogmatics . Pustet, Regensburg 1937.
  • Baptism and confirmation in the Byzantine rite . Schöningh, Paderborn / Götschmann, Zurich 1938.


  • John Hammond: A Benedictine Legacy of Peace. The Life of Abbot Leo A. Rudloff . Weston Priory, Weston, VT 2005, ISBN 0-9763005-0-8 .


  1. Bernd Jochen Hilberath : Theological commentary on the decree on ecumenism "Unitatis redintegratio" . In: Herder's Theological Commentary on the Second Vatican Council , Vol. 3: Orientalium Ecclesiarum - Unitatis Redintegratio - Christ Dominus - Optatam Totius - Perfectae Caritatis - Gravissimum Educationis - Nostra Aetate - Dei Verbum . Herder, Freiburg 2005, pp. 69–223, here p. 82.
  2. Valentin Schneider: Turning mark Nostra Aetate. Prelate Johannes Oesterreicher and the rediscovery of Judaism . In: Angelika Strotmann u. a. (Ed.): Making the past present. On the need for a Christian culture of remembrance based on Judaism . Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2010, ISBN 978-3-631-58657-0 , pp. 125–144, here p. 125.

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