Leopold Hörschelmann

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Leopold Hörschelmann

Leopold Hörschelmann , complete Magnus Heinrich Ferdinand Leopold Hörschelmann (born September 21st July / 3rd October  1836 reg. In Röthel , Estonia Governorate ; † January 14th July / January 27th  1908 reg. In Reval ) was a German-Baltic Evangelical Lutheran clergyman.


Leopold Hörschelmann came from the German-Baltic pastor family Hoerschelmann . He was a son of pastor Alexander Hörschelmann (1801–1871), a grandson of Ernst August Wilhelm Hoerschelmann , and his wife Eugenie, née. Gutter.

After taking lessons at home, he attended the Knights and Cathedral School in Reval from 1850 to 1854 . From 1855 to 1859 he studied Protestant theology at the University of Dorpat . From 1855 he was active in the Baltic corporation Estonia Dorpat and in her commissioned, honorary judge and examining magistrate. From 1860 he was first, as was customary at the time, a private tutor, in 1862/63 he went on a trip abroad. In 1862 he passed the consistorial exam. From 1868 to 1878 he worked as a pastor in his home town of Röthel. From 1878 to 1881 he was a member of the district school commission for the Wiek district ; from 1878 he was assessor of the Estonian consistory .

In 1888 he became general superintendent for the Estonia governorate, vice-president of the consistory and senior pastor at Reval Cathedral . In 1904 he retired due to illness.

Since 1882 he was married to Johanna, geb. Schultz (1858–1932), a daughter of the general superintendent Ernst Wilhelm Woldemar Schultz (1813–1887).



Web links

  • Entry in the EELK pastors database (Estonian)

Individual evidence

  1. See the inscription on the portrait photo in the corporation's album, today in the Tartu National Archives (Rahvusarhiiv Tartus) and the Estonorum album (lit.)