Leopold Löwenfeld

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Leopold Löwenfeld also Leopold Loewenfeld (born January 23, 1847 in Munich , † December 20, 1923 ) was a German medic. He is considered a pioneer in sexual pathology .


He graduated from the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich in 1865 . He completed his medical studies in Munich in 1870 with a doctorate . As a young assistant doctor he took part in the Franco-Prussian War . After the war he established himself as a general practitioner in Binswangen for a short time . From 1872 to 1876 Loewenfeld practiced as a neurologist in Chicago. In 1876 ​​he returned to Munich, where he settled as a doctor for nervous diseases and electrotherapy. In 1881 he submitted the work "Actiology and Pathology of Spontaneous Cerebral Haemorrhages" in order to obtain a private lectureship at the Munich medical faculty . His wish to be able to work as a lecturer and in medical research did not come true, as he was not admitted to the lectureship - presumably due to his Jewish faith . In the following years, Loewenfeld wrote numerous larger and smaller papers, especially in his specialty of nervous diseases.


  • Experimental and critical studies on electrotherapy of the brain. 1881.
  • About claustrophobia and related conditions. 1882.
  • About multiple neuritis. 1882.
  • Studies of the etiology and pathogenesis of spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage. 1886.
  • The modern treatment of nervous weakness, hysteria and related ailments. 1887.
  • Essays on traumatic neurosis, weather neuroses, neurotic anxiety states. 1889.
  • Sex life and nervous disorders. Nervous disorders of a sexual origin. In addition to an appendix on prophylaxis and treatment of sexual neurasthenia. 1899.
  • The hypnotism. Handbook of the theory of hypnosis and suggestion with special consideration of their importance for medicine and the administration of justice. 1901.
  • About the ingenious intellectual activity with special consideration of the genius for the visual arts. 1903.
  • The psychological obsessions. 1904.
  • Hypnosis and art. 1904
  • About mental labor and its hygiene. 1905.
  • About conjugal happiness. Experiences, reflections and advice from a doctor. 1906.
  • Homosexuality and criminal law , Bergmann, Wiesbaden 1907.
  • About stupidity. A look around the area of ​​human inadequacy. 1909.
  • About the sexual constitution and other sexual problems. About the mental constitution. - Eroticism and sensuality. - The libido as a driving force in the spiritual life. 1911.
  • Hypnotism and medicine: outline of the doctrine of hypnosis and suggestion with special consideration of medical practice. 1922.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary in: Correspondence sheet of the International Psychoanalytic Association. Vol. 10 (1924), p. 103 ( full text ).
  2. Annual report on the K. Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Munich 1864/65.
  3. a b Dr. Loewenfeld (Munich). In: CV newspaper. Journal of the Central Association. February 21, 1924 (appeared on his death).
  4. Isidor Fischer (Ed.): Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of the last fifty years. Vol. 2, Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin 1933, p. 934.