Leopold Schagerl

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Leopold Schagerl (* 1941 in Sankt Anton an der Jeßnitz ) is an Austrian Catholic clergyman and was Vicar General of the Diocese of St. Pölten .


Leopold Schagerl attended the Stiftsgymnasium Melk and then completed his philosophy and theology studies in St. Pölten . On June 29, 1966, Leopold Schagerl was ordained a priest . Initially he was a chaplain in Mank and Gföhl before he came to Oberwölbling as a chaplain in 1971 , where he became administrator in 1973 and pastor in 1975 . In 1984 he was also elected dean of the Oberwölbling dean's office.

On March 1, 1992, Leopold Schagerl was appointed director of the building department of the diocese of St. Pölten by Bishop Kurt Krenn and, with effect from February 16, 1994, director of the diocese's financial chamber.

Monsignor Leopold Schagerl has been a member of the consistory , the highest advisory body of the bishop, a member of the diocesan economic council , the boards of trustees of Caritas , the St. Hippolyt Education House, the Pedagogical Academy and the St. Benedikt Education House in Seitenstetten since 1994 .

Canon Prelate Leopold Schagerl was appointed Vicar General of the Diocese of St. Pölten on November 15, 2004 by Bishop Klaus Küng . At the same time, Prelate Schagerl, who was last director of the diocese's finance chamber , became the moderator of the curia according to can. 473 CIC appointed in 1983. Schagerl held the office of vicar general until the end of August 2008; then Eduard Gruber followed him .

Individual evidence

  1. NÖ Pressehaus Druck- und VerlagsgmbH: Die neue NÖN, Pielachtal edition . Issue No. 9 of February 25, 1992, page 3