Leopold Weber (mint master)

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Leopold Weber (called Lippold Weser ; or Leopold Weser ; * before 1640 ; † 1674 or 1677 ) was a German die cutter and mint master .


As the successor to what was probably the first mint master of the Clausthal mint, Henning Schreiber , Leopold Weser took over the post of Clausthal mint master in 1648, the year the Thirty Years War ended .

As a die cutter, Weber added his monogram , consisting of the initials LW, to his coins

Weber's successor was Heinrich Bonhorst .


  • Siegfried Elbeshausen: Oberharzer Jetons from the mints of the Welfen (= Bremen contributions to the history of coins and money , Volume 5), Bremen: Bremer Numismatic Society, 2006, pp. 223–235

Individual evidence

  1. a b Georg Kaspar Nagler , Andreas Andresen, Carl Clauss (arr.): LW , in this: The monogrammists and those known and unknown artists of all schools who use a figurative symbol, the initials of the name, the Abbreviatur of the same, & c., Have served: With consideration of book printer's marks, the stamps of art collectors, the stamps of the old gold and silversmiths, majolica factories, porcelain manufacturers, etc. News about painters, draftsmen, sculptors, architects, engravers, shape cutters, letter painters, Calligraphers, lithographers, stamp cutters, enamellers, goldsmiths, niello, metal and ivory workers, engravers, armourers, etc. With the rational lists of the works of anonymous masters, whose marks are given, and the reference to the products marked with monograms or initials well-known artist. A work that exists in itself, but at the same time it is a supplement and conclusion to the New General Artists Lexicon, and a supplement to the well-known works by A. Bartsch, Robert-Dumesnil, C. le Blanc, F. Brulliot, J. Heller, Andresen, Passavant, etc. w , Volume 4, G. Hirt's Verlag, Munich, Leipzig 1860, p. 448; Digitized via Google books
  2. a b c d Henning Calvör : Acta Historico-Chronologico-Mechanica circa metallurgiam in Hercynia superiori. Or historical-chronological information and theoretical and practical description of mechanical engineering, and the auxiliaries in mining on the Oberharze, in particular the machinery and auxiliaries by which mining is promoted, such as mine sheaths, shaft and pit construction, of Drilling and shooting, of the machines and devices to bring the mined ore to the surface, of the machines by which the ore is turned into sand, or of puching works and puching, of the machines in the smelter, of the ores, silver, Bley To smelt solder and copper, and from the entire smelter work one after the other, from the mint machines to burn the silver finely and to coin it into money. In the publishing house of the Princely Waysenhaus bookstore, Braunschweig 1763, p. 265; Digitized via Google books
  3. a b o. V .: Data record on the person Weber, Leopold in the catalog of the German National Library [undated], last accessed on April 20, 2020
  4. Johann Ludwig Ammon : Collection of famous medalists and mint masters together with their symbols , Nuremberg: Hauffe 1778, pp. 75–76; Digitized via Google books