Licinia (Vestal Virgin)

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Licinia was a in the 1st century BC. Living noble Roman woman . She came from the Plebejergeschlecht the Licinii and was a vestal virgin .

73 BC There was a charge against Licinia for illicit intercourse with the triumvir Marcus Licinius Crassus . Because the latter had only courted her to be able to buy one of her estates cheaply, she was acquitted. When Lucius Cornelius Lentulus Niger 64 BC Was ordained Flamen Martialis , Licinia was one of the participants in the feast of the priests held on this occasion. 63 BC In BC she promoted the election campaign of her relative Lucius Licinius Murena, who was one of the candidates for the consulate of the next year, in a special way: Murena Licinias was allowed to take place at the organization of games in which gladiators appeared. Murena's application was successful, so that he was 62 BC. Became consul.



  1. Plutarch , Crassus 1, 4ff.
  2. ^ Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius . Saturnalia 3, 13, 11.
  3. Cicero , Pro L. Murena 73.