Lina Gollasch

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Emilie Wilhelmine Lina Gollasch, also Lina Sellheim (born May 12, 1853 in Halle (Saale) ; † December 27, 1894 ) was a German kindergarten teacher , teacher and Froebel pedagogue . She founded the first kindergarten teacher training seminar in Halle (Saale) in 1877, the only one in what was then the Prussian province of Saxony .

Live and act

Expert opinion on Sellheim's death from January 3, 1895 [9]

Gollasch was the sixth of eight children of master wheelwright Christian Gollasch (1814 / 1815–1855) and his wife Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine nee Zabel († 1895) and was born as a younger twin sister. Two years after her father's death, her mother married the merchant August August Friedrich Sellheim in 1857. Lina now had the additional name Sellheim. From this second marriage the mother had five more children.

As a young woman she attended a kindergarten teacher training facility. She committed to Froebel's pedagogy and opened a kindergarten in 1877. After Marie Wollmann's kindergarten founded in 1863, her facility was one of the first in Halle. The first course in their seminar for training kindergarten teachers was completed in 1878. In 1885 it received official approval (concession) for its facility, and since 1883 it was commissioned by the city's magistrate to review other kindergartens. In 1888 Sellheim passed the exams at the teachers' seminar of the Francke Foundations.

According to Sellheim's activity report from 1890, 242 kindergarten teachers had been trained in their seminar by this time, of which 39 graduates took over kindergartens as heads themselves. The course duration was twelve (1st class for kindergarten teachers) or six months (2nd class for helpers).

In a canon of subjects for the “I. Class “(annual course) the following subjects were listed: pedagogy (history, psychology, Froebel's kindergarten pedagogy), biblical studies , German, geometry, natural history, natural science and geography. In addition, practice-oriented content such as the theory and practice of kindergarten, drawing, handicraft and singing as well as optional French, English and music lessons. According to the Froebel method, instructions were provided for giving elementary lessons in families. These lessons were practiced through the use of experienced teachers from the city.

In the last year of her life, however, there were irritations and accusations relating to the organization of the lessons and the allocation of vacancies, so that the authorities initiated an investigation against her. Before the allegations were cleared up, Lina Sellheim died in December 1894 of a lung disease that had persisted since the beginning of the year. The district school inspector Förster ended the official note about her death with the words: "Complaint back to K. Government M. Complaint back with news that Miss Sellheim died at Christmas 94. Thing done. H. 3 Jan. 95 No 2 BF ".

Sellheim successfully led the seminar on the training of kindergarten teachers until her death in 1894. It was then continued by Georg Erich Eyssell-Weidling, August Emil Laegel and Robert Mayer.


Sellheim wrote about herself that she was a certified teacher and had published educational articles in the magazines Kindergarten (Fachblatt des Froebelverband), Hallische Zeitung and Saale-Zeitung .

  • A word about the training of kindergarten teachers . Hallesches Tageblatt, March 29, 1882
  • State-licensed seminar for kindergarten teachers . Hall / S. 1890
  • III. Report on the activities of the institute from April 1, 1878 to January 1, 1890
  • Subject canon winter semester 1890/91 . Halle / Saale, 1890

Literature and Sources

  • Klaus Gebser: “It's done!” Lina Sellheim and the first children's facilities in Halle / Saale. Hall 2018
  • Emilie Michaelis, H. Keatley Moore: Froebel's Letters on the Kindergarten. CW Bardeen, Publisher 1891 (Hermann Poesche: Propagation and Exegation: p. 175-214, Sellheim p. 185), German edition: Friedrich Fröbel's Kindergarten-Briefe. Pichler, Leipzig, Vienna 1887
  • Perennial a. (Ed.): The city of Halle a / S. in 1891. Festschrift. Halle: Gebauer, Schwetschke 1891 (p. 315 f .: August Steger: Seminar for kindergarten teachers)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hallesches Tageblatt of July 2, 1853
  2. ^ Hallesches Tageblatt of July 5, 1855
  3. ^ Hallesches Tageblatt of May 10, 1857
  4. ^ City of Halle an der Saale: 100 years of Halle youth welfare office. Pages 8 to 10, accessed February 12, 2020 .
  5. Hallesches Tageblatt (Sent). September 14, 1878, Retrieved October 16, 2019 .
  6. a b City Archives Hall A.2.36 No. 1198 p. 6
  7. ^ Hallesches Tageblatt: Announcements. From the city and the surrounding area. The teacher exam. August 30, 1888, Retrieved October 16, 2019 .
  8. Stadtarchiv Halle A.2.36 No. 1198 Bl. 3, 7
  9. a b City Archives Halle A. 2.36 No. 126 page 8
  10. Certificate from your doctor, Dr. Hoffmann; City Archives Hall A 2.36 No. 1198 Vol. 1 Bl. 41–74
  11. a b City Archives Hall A.2.36 No. 1198 Bl. 53, 92, 108, 109
  12. Newspapers of the 18th and 19th centuries / March 29, 1882 (No. 75) [591]. Retrieved October 16, 2019 .