Lincoln and Liberty

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Lincoln and Liberty was Abraham Lincoln's best election campaigner in his 1860 presidential election and summarized his program in a concise way. The text is from the abolitionist Jesse Hutchinson .

The song has a melody of Irish origin, which was taken from the song "Old Rosin the Beau" and already served well in the presidential campaign of William Henry Harrison in 1840 (" Old Tippecanoe ") and in that of James K. Polk in 1844. After Lincoln in 1888 Benjamin Harrison and 1892 Grover Cleveland used this melody for their election campaigns.

"Lincoln and Liberty" still enjoys a certain popularity today.


Hurray for the choice of the nation
Our chieftain so brave and so true
We'll go for the great reformation
For Lincoln and liberty too!
Hurray to the nation's elect,
Our brave and true chief
We choose the great reform
And Lincoln and Freedom!
We'll go for the son of Kentucky
The hero of hoosierdom through
The pride of the suckers so lucky
For Lincoln and liberty too.
We opt for the son of Kentucky ,
The heroes of the compatriots of Indiana ,
The pride of the lucky Illinoiser ,
For Lincoln and freedom!
Then up with the banner so glorious
The star-spangled red, white and blue
We'll fight 'till our banner's victorious
For Lincoln and liberty, too.
So up with that glorious banner
The star-studded red, white and blue!
We fight till our flag is victorious
For Lincoln and freedom!
Come all you true friends of the nation
Attend to humanity's call
Come aid in the slaves' liberation
And roll on the liberty ball!
All you true friends of the people come
And follow the call of humanity
Help free the slaves
And roll the ball of freedom!
We'll finish the temple of freedom
And make it capacious within
That all who seek shelter may find it
Whatever the hue of their skin!
We complete the temple of freedom
And make it quite spacious inside,
That all who seek protection should find him,
Whatever skin color they are!
Success to the old-fashioned doctrine
That men are created all free
And down with the power of the despot
Wherever his stronghold may be!
Old-fashioned teaching wins,
That all men are made free
And down with the power of the despot,
Wherever his fortress is!

See also