List of "Original Fellows" of the Royal Society

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The list of the “Original Fellows” of the Royal Society gives an overview of the persons elected to the Royal Society after the entry into force of the second Royal Charter on May 20 and June 22, 1663 , who are known as “Original Fellows”.


First Royal Charter

The Royal Society was founded on November 28, 1660 at Gresham College , London . Its twelve founding members - the "Founder Fellows" - were Christopher Wren , Robert Boyle , John Wilkins , William Petty , William Brouncker , Robert Moray , Alexander Bruce (around 1629–1680), Paul Neile (1613–1686), Jonathan Goddard (1617 -1675), William Ball , Abraham Hill (1635-1722), and Lawrence Rooke (1622-1662). The name Royal Society first appeared in print in 1661. On July 15, 1662, Charles II granted the company its first royal charter . She appointed William Brouncker as their president and appointed the members of the council:

Second Royal Charter

The Society's council, however, was dissatisfied with her and obtained some changes. The second Royal Charter came into force on April 23, 1663. It set the name of the society as the Royal Society of London for Promoting Natural Knowledge , recognized Charles II as the founder and patron, and authorized it to carry a coat of arms . The second Royal Charter was read out on May 13, 1663 at a meeting of the members. It also gave the President and the Council the right to appoint suitable members to the Society during a two-month transition period without election. The members elected to the Royal Society on May 20 and June 22, 1663 in this way are referred to as "Original Fellows".

John Wallis and founding member Christopher Wren resigned from the council and were replaced by founding member Abraham Hill (1635–1722) and Gilbert Talbot (around 1607–1695). The appointments for the positions of President, Treasurer and the two secretaries remained unchanged.

List of "Original Fellows"

  • Name: Name of the original member, with life data
  • Proposed: Date on which the proposal for inclusion was made
  • Elected: Date on which the election as a member of the Royal Society took place
  • Admitted: The date on which you were admitted to the Royal Society
  • Excluded: Date the member was expelled from the Royal Society
  • Official: Date on which admission to the Royal Society took place after the second charter
  • Weblink: Link to personal information in the Royal Society archives

Although George Bate , Robert Hooke and John Crawford-Lindsay were on the 115-name list of May 20, 1663, they were only later elected to members. The “Original Fellows” included Christian Huygens and Samuel de Sorbière, the first two foreign members of the Royal Society.

Surname Proposed   Elected     Authorized  Locked out   Officially   Web link
John Alleyn (1621–1663) 0May 8, 1661 May 15, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
James Annesley (1645-1690), 2nd Earl of Anglesey 0Jan. 7, 1663 0Jan. 7, 1663 Jan. 14, 1663 Oct 25, 1682 May 20, 1663 Web link
Elias Ashmole (1617–1692) Dec 26, 1660 May 20, 1663 Web link
John Aubrey (1626-1697) Dec. 24, 1662 0Jan. 7, 1663 Jan. 21, 1663 May 20, 1663 Web link
John Austen (1613–1669) Dec 12, 1660 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Thomas Baines (around 1622-1680) May 20, 1663 Web link
Peter Ball (around 1638–1675) May 20, 1663 Web link
William Ball (around 1627–1690) Web link
Isaac Barrow (1630–1677) 17 Sep 1662 Oct 29, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
George Bate (1608-1669) Dec 12, 1660 0June 3, 1663 Web link
George Berkeley (1628–1698), 1st Earl of Berkeley and Viscount Dursley May 20, 1663 Web link
John Birkenhead (1616–1679) June 22, 1663 Web link
Richard Boyle (? –1665) Dec 26, 1660 June 22, 1663 Web link
Robert Boyle (1627-1692) Web link
William Brereton, 3rd Baron Brereton (1632–1680) 19 Dec 1660 Apr 22, 1663 Web link
Sir John Brooke (around 1635-1691) 0Dec. 4, 1661 0Jan. 8, 1662 July 22, 1685 May 20, 1663 Web link
William Brouncker (around 1620–1684) Web link
Alexander Bruce (around 1629-1680) Web link
David Bruce (? –1690) May 13, 1663 May 20, 1663 Nov 18, 1675 May 20, 1663 Web link
Robert Bruce (1626–1685), 2nd Earl of Elgin and 1st Earl of Ailesbury May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Edward Bysshe (around 1615–1679) Nov 12, 1662 Nov 19, 1662 June 22, 1663 Web link
William Cavendish (1641-1707), 1st Duke of Devonshire July 22, 1685 May 20, 1663 Web link
Walter Charleton (1620–1707) Jan. 23, 1661 May 15, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Timothy Clarke (? - 1672) Apr 22, 1663 Web link
Sir John Clayton (? - around 1710) Sep 11 1661 0Oct 9, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir John Clotworthy (? –1665), 1st Viscount Massareene May 20, 1663 Web link
Daniel Colwall (? –1690) 0Jan. 2, 1661 Jan. 16, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
James Compton (1622-1681), 3rd Earl of Northampton May 20, 1663 Web link
Edward Cotton (around 1616–1675) 0Apr 1, 1663 Apr 15, 1663 May 20, 1663 Web link
Thomas Coxe (around 1615–1685) July 22, 1685? May 20, 1663 Web link
John Crawford-Lindsay (1596-1678), 17th Earl of Crawford June 22, 1663 Web link
William Croone (1633-1684) May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir John Denham (1615-1669) Dec 26, 1660 Oct 29, 1666 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Kenelm Digby (1603-1665) Dec 12, 1660 Apr 22, 1663 Web link
John Dryden (1631-1700) Nov 12, 1662 Nov 19, 1662 Nov 26, 1662 Oct 29, 1666 May 20, 1663 Web link
Andrew Ellis (? –1673?) July 10, 1661 14 Aug 1661? May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir George Ent (1604-1689) Apr 22, 1663 Web link
William Erskine (? –1685) June 26, 1661 Aug 14, 1661 Apr 22, 1663 Web link
John Evelyn (1620-1706) Dec 26, 1660 Apr 22, 1663 Web link
Sir Francis Fane (around 1612–1681) 17 Sep 1662 0Oct 1, 1662 0Oct 1, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Nicasius Le Febure (around 1610–1669) Nov 20, 1661 0Dec. 4, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir John Finch (1626-1682) May 20, 1663 Web link
Francis Glisson (1596–1677) Feb 13, 1661 06th Mar 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Jonathan Goddard (1617-1675) Web link
John Graunt (1620-1674) 0Feb 5, 1662 25 Feb 1662 05th Mar 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Theodore Haak (1605-1690) Nov 13, 1661 0Dec. 4, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
William Hammond (1614? –1685?) Jan. 23, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Robert Harley (1626–1673) Aug 14, 1661 Aug 14, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Christopher Hatton (1605-1670), 1st Baron Hatton May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir James Hayes (? –1693) June 25, 1662 17 Sep 1662 0Oct 8, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Nathaniel Henshaw (1628–1673) Dec 26, 1660 May 20, 1663 Web link
Thomas Henshaw (1618-1700) Apr 22, 1663 Web link
Abraham Hill (1635-1722) Web link
William Hoare (? –1666) 0Oct 8, 1662 Oct 15, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
William Holder (1616–1698) 0Jan. 9, 1661 Jan. 16, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Robert Hooke (1635-1703) 0June 3, 1663 Web link
Sir John Hoskins (1634-1705) Nov 13, 1661 0Dec. 4, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Charles Howard (1630-1713) Dec. 24, 1662 Dec. 24, 1662 Dec 31, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Christian Huygens (1629–1695) June 22, 1663 Web link
Richard Jones (1641-1712); 1st Earl of Ranelagh Sep 11 1661 Oct 25, 1682 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Andrew King (-1678?) Dec 17, 1662 Dec. 24, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir James Long (1617? –1692) Nov 13, 1661 / Mar 25 1663 0Dec. 4, 1661 / Apr. 15, 1663 May 20, 1663 Web link
Anthony Lowther (1641–1693) Apr 15, 1663 Apr 22, 1663 Apr 29, 1663 Oct 25, 1682 May 20, 1663 Web link
John Lucas (1606–1671), 1st Baron Lucas of Shenfield Oct 29, 1666 May 20, 1663 Web link
Christopher Merrett (1614? –1695) July 22, 1685 May 20, 1663 Web link
Robert Moray (1608–1673) Web link
Edward Montagu (1625–1672) 1st Earl of Sandwich and Viscount Hinchinbroke Feb 13, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Anthony Morgan (1621-1668) May 20, 1663 Web link
Caspar Needham (around 1622–1679) 28 Aug 1661 resigned Feb 12, 1674 May 20, 1663 Web link
Paul Neile (1613–1686) Web link
William Neile (1637-1670) Dec 31, 1662  Jan. 1663 Jan. 14, 1663 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Thomas Nott (1606–1681) June 26, 1661 Aug 14, 1661 Nov 18, 1675 May 20, 1663 Web link
Henry Oldenburg (around 1617–1677) Dec 26, 1660 Apr 22, 1663 Web link
Philip Packer (1618? –1686) June 26, 1661 Nov 13, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Dudley Palmer (around 1617–1666) May 22, 1661 May 28, 1661 Apr 22, 1663 Web link
Robert Paston (1631-1683), 1st Earl of Yarmouth Dec 11, 1661 Dec 18, 1661 Oct 25, 1682 May 20, 1663 Web link
John Pell (1611-1685) May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir William Persall (1601–?) 19 Dec 1660 May 20, 1663 Web link
Peter Pett (1610–1672?) June 25, 1662 17 Sep 1662 0Nov 5, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Peter Pett (1630? –1699) 0Jan. 2, 1661 Jan. 16, 1661 Nov 18, 1675 May 20, 1663 Web link
William Petty (1623-1687) Web link
Henry Pierrepont, 1st Marquess of Dorchester (1607–1680) May 20, 1663 Web link
Walter Pope (around 1627–1714) May 15, 1661 May 22, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Thomas Povey (around 1615 - around 1702) May 20, 1663 Web link
Henry Powle (1630-1692) July 22, 1685 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Richard Powle (1628-1678) May 20, 1663 Web link
Henry Proby (fl 1646–1664) 0Feb 5, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
William Quatremain (around 1618–1667) Jan. 23, 1661 20 Mar 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Charles Scarburgh (1615-1694) 0Jan. 2, 1661 Jan. 16, 1661 Oct 29, 1666 May 20, 1663 Web link
William Schroter (1640-1699) June 25, 1662 17 Sep 1662 Sep 24 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir James Shaen (? –1695) Sep 10 1662 17 Sep 1662 Sep 24 1662 July 22, 1685 May 20, 1663 Web link
Henry Slingsby (around 1621 - around 1688) Nov 18, 1675 Apr 22, 1663 Web link
George Smyth (around 1629–1702) Nov 12, 1662 Nov 19, 1662 July 22, 1685 May 20, 1663 Web link
Samuel de Sorbière (1617-1670) June 22, 1663 Web link
Sir Robert Southwell (1635-1702) 0Apr 9, 1662 0May 7, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Thomas Sprat (1635-1713) 0Apr 1, 1663 Apr 15, 1663 Apr 29, 1663 May 20, 1663 Web link
Alexander Stanhope (1638–1707) 19 Feb 1662 Feb 26, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Thomas Stanley (1625-1678) June 26, 1661 Aug 14, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Gilbert Talbot (around 1607–1695) May 15, 1661 May 22, 1661 July 22, 1685 Apr 22, 1663 Web link
Christopher Terne (1620–1673) 17 Sep 1662 0Oct 8, 1662 Oct 22, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Samuel Tuke (? –1674) Jan. 23, 1661 06th Mar 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Cornelius Vermuyden (1627-1693) 0Apr 1, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
George Villiers (1628-1687) 2nd Duke of Buckingham 0June 5, 1661 July 22, 1685 May 20, 1663 Web link
Edmund Waller (1606-1687) 0Jan. 2, 1661 Jan. 16, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
John Wallis (1616-1703) Feb 25, 1661 06th Mar 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Seth Ward (1617-1689) May 20, 1663 Web link
Daniel Whistler (1619–1684) 0Jan. 9, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
John Wilkins (1614–1672) Web link
Joseph Williamson (1633-1701) Jan 29, 1662 0Feb 5, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Francis Willughby (1635-1672) Nov 20, 1661 0Dec. 4, 1661 / Oct. 1, 1662 0 May 20, 1663 Web link
John Winthrop (1606–1676) Dec 18, 1661 0Jan. 1, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Christopher Wren (1632-1723) Web link
Matthew Wren (1629–1672) Apr 22, 1663 Web link
Thomas Wren (1633–1679) May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Cyril Wyche (around 1632–1707) 28 Aug 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
Sir Peter Wyche (1628-1699) 26th Mar 1662 0Apr 2, 1662 May 20, 1663 Web link
Edmund Wylde (around 1618 - around 1695) 0Jan. 9, 1661 Jan. 16, 1661 May 20, 1663 Web link
William Wynde (around 1647-1722) 0June 4, 1662 17 Sep 1662 0Nov 5, 1662 July 22, 1685 May 20, 1663 Web link


  • ES de Beer: The Earliest Fellows of the Royal Society . In: Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London . Volume 7, number 2, 1950, pp. 172-192 ( doi: 10.1098 / rsnr.1950.0014 ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thomas Birch: The history of the Royal Society of London for improving of natural knowledge . Volume 1, p. 88 ff. (Online) .
  2. ^ Thomas Birch: The history of the Royal Society of London for improving of natural knowledge . Volume 1, p. 236 ff. (Online) .
  3. ^ ES de Beer: The Earliest Fellows of the Royal Society . In: Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London . Volume 7, Number 2, 1950, pp. 172-192.

Web links