List of abbreviations used by ancient authors and work titles / W

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Abbrev. Author author Edition
  Abbr. Plant Work title German title
WaR Wajikra Rabba M. Margulies (ed.): Midrash Wayyikra Rabbah. 5 vols. Jerusalem 1953-60, reprint New York 1993 (see also Midrash Rabba)
Know Book of wisdom  
Legend for the colors of the author entries
author Author abbreviation
SW Compilation Collection or compilation (both modern and ancient)
ON Anonymous Writing by a single, unknown author
BS Biblical script Scripture of the OT or NT (also Apocrypha)
RS Rabbinical script Mishnah, Talmud and other Hebrew, non-biblical writing
X Others Abbreviation of lexicon, series, etc .; general abbreviation