List of abbreviations of ancient authors and work titles / 1

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Abbrev. Author author Edition
  Abbr. Plant Work title German title
1bar 1. Book of Baruch  
1 Esr 1st book of Ezra  
1Chr 1. Book of Chronicles  
1Cor 1st letter to the Corinthians (Pauli epistula prior ad Corinthios)  
1Joh 1. Letter to John  
1Kön 1. Book of Kings  
1 Cor 1st letter to the Corinthians  
1Macc 1. Maccabees (Maccabaeorum liber primus)  
1 Makk 1. Maccabees  
1Petr 1. Peter’s letter  
1QpHab Qumram Habakkuk Midrash, Cave 4  
1QH Qumram Hymn Scroll , Cave 1  
1QM Qumram War Scroll , Cave 1  
1QS Qumran Manual of Discipline , Cave 1  
1QSa Qumram community rule , cave 1  
1QSb Qumram Blessings, Cave 1  
1Reg 1. Book of Kings (Regum liber prior)  
1Sam 1. Book of Samuel  
1Thess 1st letter to Thessalonians  
1Tim 1. Timothy  
2Bar 2. Book of Baruch  
2Chr 2. Book of Chronicles  
2Cor 2 Corinthians  
2 Esr 2. Book of Ezra  
2Joh 2. John  
2Kön 2. Book of Kings  
2Cor 2nd letter to the Corinthians (Pauli epistula posterior ad Corinthios)  
2Macc 2. Maccabaeorum liber secundus  
2 Makk 2. Maccabees  
2Petr 2. Peter’s letter  
2Reg 2. Book of Kings (Regum liber posterior)  
2Sam 2. Book of Samuel  
2Thess 2. Letter to the Thessalonians  
2Tim 2. Timothy  
3Bar 3. Book of Baruch  
3 Esr 3rd book of Ezra  
3Joh 3. Letter to John  
3Macc 3. Maccabees (Maccabaeorum liber tertius)  
3 Makk 3. Maccabees  
4Bar 4. Book of Baruch  
4 Esr 4th book of Ezra  
4Macc 4. Maccabees (Maccabaeorum liber quartus)  
4 Makk 4. Maccabees  
4QFlor Qumram Florilegium, Cave 4  
4Qpatr Qumram patriarchal blessing , cave 4  
4QpNah Qumram Nahum Midrash, Cave 4  
4Qtest Qumram Testimonia, cave 4  
5 Esr 5th book of Ezra  
5Macc 5. Maccabees (5 Maccabaeorum)  
5 Makk 5. Maccabees  
6 Esr 6. Book of Ezra  
Legend for the colors of the author entries
author Author abbreviation
SW Compilation Collection or compilation (both modern and ancient)
ON Anonymous Writing by a single, unknown author
BS Biblical script Scripture of the OT or NT (also Apocrypha)
RS Rabbinical script Mishnah, Talmud and other Hebrew, non-biblical writing
X Others Abbreviation of lexicon, series, etc .; general abbreviation

Note : Abbreviations to other fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls are listed under Dead Sea Scrolls # Important Individual Texts and List of Dead Sea Bible Manuscripts .