List of abbreviations used by ancient authors and work titles / F

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Abbrev. Author author Edition
  Abbr. Plant Work title German title
Nearly. Ann. Jul. Fasti anni Iuliani Theodor Mommsen , Wilhelm Henzen , Christian Hülsen (1893, reprinted 1973)
Nearly. Cap. Fasti Capitolini  
Nearly. Cos. Fasti consulares  
Nearly. Praen. Fasti Praenestini  
Nearly. Vatic. Fasti Vaticani  
Firmly. Festus  
    de verborum significatione  
  ep. Festus- Epitome of Paulus Deacon
FGH (FGrHist) The Fragments of the Greek Historians Felix Jacoby (Berlin 1923ff; Leiden 1954ff)
FHG Fragmenta historicorum Graecorum Karl Müller, Theodor Müller, Victor Langlois (Paris 1841ff)
Firm. Iulius Firmicus Maternus  
  err. de errore profanarum religionum  
  math. mathesis  
Pile. Florus  
  epit. epitoma de Tito Livio  
  Forg. Vergilius orator to poeta  
Florent. Florentine  
fol. Sheet (folio)  
Away. Consultus Fortunatianus  
  rhet. ars rhetorica Oratory
FPhG Fragmenta philosophorum Graecorum Friedrich Wilhelm August Mullach (Paris 1860–1881)
frg. Fragment (s) (fragmentum)  
Frg. Mur. Muratorian Fragment (Fragmentum Muratorianum)  
Front. Marcus Cornelius Fronto  
  ep. epistulae Letters
Frontin. Sextus Iulius Frontinus  
  aqu. de aquis urbis Romae About the water supply of Rome
  grom. (agrimen.) liber gromaticus (de agrimensura)  
  strat. strategemata Ruses
Fulg. Fulgentius  
  aet. mouth. de aetatibus mundi et hominis  
  myth. mythologiae  
  Theb. great thebaidem  
Fulg. Rusp. Fulgentius of Ruspe  
  c. Arrian. against Arrianos  
  epist. epistulae  
  fid. de fide ad Petrum  
Legend for the colors of the author entries
author Author abbreviation
SW Compilation Collection or compilation (both modern and ancient)
ON Anonymous Writing by a single, unknown author
BS Biblical script Scripture of the OT or NT (also Apocrypha)
RS Rabbinical script Mishnah, Talmud and other Hebrew, non-biblical writing
X Others Abbreviation of lexicon, series, etc .; general abbreviation