List of architectural monuments in Pilsach

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The monuments of the Upper Palatinate municipality of Pilsach are compiled on this page . This table is a partial list of the list of architectural monuments in Bavaria . The basis is the Bavarian Monument List , which was first drawn up on the basis of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act of October 1, 1973 and has since been managed by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation . The following information does not replace the legally binding information from the monument protection authority.

Pilsach Castle
Field chapel

Architectural monuments according to districts


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Am Kirchplatz
( location )
War memorial for 1914/18 and 1939/45 On an inscription base with cover plate, on it Ionic column with figure of Mary, around 1920 D-3-73-153-6 BW
Kirchweg 1; Kirchweg 3
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Peter and Paul Hall building with choir tower, Gothic complex, in the 18th / 19th centuries Remodeled in the 19th century, extended to the west in 1926, with furnishings;

Former cemetery fortifications, gate construction with triangular gable, probably 16./17. Century;

Former cemetery chapel, now morgue, polygonal gable roof building, 19th century

D-3-73-153-1 Catholic parish church of St. Peter and Paul
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Near Amberger Straße
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Way chapel St. Maria Saddle roof construction with canopy on bevelled wooden supports and plaster structure, 18th century D-3-73-153-5 BW
Schlossstrasse 11; Schlossstrasse 9 a; Schloßstraße 9
( location )
Former Hofmarkschloss Three-storey pond house with high ground floor, hipped roof, diamond-coated corner blocks and pilaster portal, Gothic core, vault 1569, renovation 17th / 18th centuries. Century;

Former barn, single-storey and eaves half-hipped roof building with half-timbered gable, 17th / 18th centuries Century;

So-called hunter's house, one-story hipped roof building with bat dormers and a strongly profiled cornice, 17th / 18th centuries. century

D-3-73-153-3 Former Hofmarkschloss
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In Ammelhofen
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St. Anna local chapel Gable and hipped gable roof building with polygonal chancel, bell roof turret, canopy and sacristy extension, ashlar masonry with plaster structure, marked 1923 D-3-73-153-7 St. Anna local chapel
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( location )
Way chapel St. Maria Gable roof construction, probably 17th century, renovated in 1948 (inscribed) D-3-73-153-4 BW


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Sea wood; east of the place
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Wayside shrine, so-called black torture Rustic stone pillar with a four-sided picture tabernacle, inscribed 1913 on the reverse D-3-73-153-29 BW
Vorderes Grafenbuch
( location )
Wayside shrine Holy Trinity, so-called Red Torture Carved log with widened head piece, 19th century, picture renewed in 2006 D-3-73-153-28 BW


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In Danlohe
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Local chapel St. Maria Gable roof construction with gable roof turret, 1893; with equipment D-3-73-153-9 Local chapel St. Maria
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Dietkirchen 1
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Stephan Hall building with choir flank tower and polygonal apse, Romanesque, remodeled in the 18th century, the tower marked 1550, in 1920/21 addition of side chapels by Friedrich Haindl; with equipment;

Cemetery, closed enclosure with arched entrance gate, probably 17th century, later extended in terraces;

St. Michael cemetery chapel, hipped roof building with a basket arch, 18th century;

So-called rose cemetery with wrought iron grave crosses, 18./19. century

D-3-73-153-11 Catholic parish church of St. Stephan
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Heuwegfeld, on the road to Frickenhofen
( location )
Wayside shrine St. Wendelin Marterl with inserted (renewed) image, 19th century; on the road to Frickenhofen D-3-73-153-15 BW
In Dietkirchen, on the road to Habertshofen
( location )
Way chapel St. Maria Gable roof building with arched entrance, 17th century; on the road to Habertshofen. D-3-73-153-12 BW
In Dietkirchen, next to the Wegkapelle on the road to Habertshofen
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Stone cross Latin form with short arms, limestone, probably from the late Middle Ages D-3-73-153-13 Stone cross
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In Eispertshofen
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Heart of Jesus village chapel Eaves and polygonal closing hall building with hipped gable roof and gable roof ridge, 1901; with equipment D-3-73-153-16 BW


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Giggling 5
( location )
Residential stable house Single-storey and gable-independent saddle roof building with plastered half-timbered gable and lateral framework on the living area, 17th / 18th centuries. century D-3-73-153-17 Residential stable house


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Habertshofen 5
( location )
Chapel shrine St. Maria D-3-73-153-18 BW


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Inzenhof 5
( location )
Court chapel Gable roof construction, mid-18th century D-3-73-153-19 BW


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Dorfstrasse 7
( location )
Catholic branch church St. Johannes Evangelist, former castle chapel Hall building with polygonal choir and west tower, Romanesque core, redesigned in 1486, tower 17th century, choir expansion 1980–82; with equipment;

Sections of the cemetery wall with a round-arched entrance gate, probably 17th century, northeast section partly with humpback blocks, 12th / 13th centuries. century

D-3-73-153-22 Catholic branch church St. Johannes Evangelist, former castle chapel
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Dorfstraße 11
( coordinates are missing! Help me. )
Gasthaus, former stable house With barrel-vaulted stable, two-storey gable roof, inside (roof structure) marked 1838 D-3-73-153-37
Hirtenweg 7
( coordinates are missing! Help us. )
Associated oven Eaves gable roof construction with pointed arch niche, ashlar masonry, 2nd half of the 19th century D-3-73-153-20


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Emmeramsplatz 2
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Former rectory Two-storey and eaves half-hipped roof building, 18./19. century D-3-73-153-24 Former rectory
Emmeramsplatz 4
( location )
Catholic parish church St. Oswald Originally an early Gothic hall building with a choir tower, modified several times, in 1922/23 construction of a neo-baroque main building with a half-hipped roof by Friedrich Haindl; with equipment D-3-73-153-23 Catholic parish church St. Oswald
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Obere Dorfstraße 5
( coordinates are missing! Help us. )
Former stable house Single-storey and gable-independent pitched roof with plastered framework, 18th / 19th centuries century D-3-73-153-25
Hofäcker, on the way to Eispertshofen ( coordinates are missing! Help us . )
Stone cross Latin form with two stump arms, probably from the late Middle Ages D-3-73-153-30


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Dietkirchen 16, on the mountain slope west of the village
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Rock cellar Approx. 40 chambers carved into the Dogger rocks, 17th to 19th centuries D-3-73-153-32 Rock cellar
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Niederhofen 8
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Former farmhouse Single-storey and eaves saddle roof building with half-timbered gable, 18th century D-3-73-153-33 BW
Niederhofen 11
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Former farmhouse Single-storey and gable-independent pitched roof building with half-timbered gable, 18th / 19th centuries century D-3-73-153-34 BW
( location )
Field chapel St. Maria Gable-mounted housing with protruding gable roof, 18th / 19th centuries Century; with equipment D-3-73-153-31 BW

Snow mill

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Snow mill 1
( location )
Müllerhaus, former residential stable Two-storey and gable-independent pitched roof building, 17th / 18th centuries century D-3-73-153-35 BW

Former architectural monuments

This section lists objects that were previously entered in the list of monuments.

location object description File no. image
Bernthal 2
( location )
Local chapel St. Maria 1773; with equipment D-3-73-153-8 BW
From the St 2240 to Dietkirchen
( location )
Trinity image On the road to Frickenhofen D-3-73-153-14 BW
Im Heuweg; on the way to Sindlbach
( location )
Field Chapel Holy Trinity Late 17th century; with equipment. D-3-73-153-26 Field Chapel Holy Trinity
near Waller Weg
( coordinates are missing! Help us. )
St. Wendelin Chapel 1875; with equipment D-3-73-153-27
In Wimmersdorf
( Location )
Lady Chapel 1894; with equipment D-3-73-153-36 BW

See also


  1. This list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. The latter can be viewed on the Internet as a PDF using the link given under web links and is also mapped in the Bavarian Monument Atlas . Even these representations, although they are updated daily by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation , do not always and everywhere reflect the current status. Therefore, the presence or absence of an object in this list or in the Bavarian Monument Atlas does not guarantee that it is currently a registered monument or not. The Bavarian List of Monuments is also an information directory. The monument property - and thus the legal protection - is defined in Art. 1 of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act (BayDSchG) and does not depend on the mapping in the monument atlas or the entry in the Bavarian monument list. Objects that are not listed in the Bavarian Monument List can also be monuments if they meet the criteria according to Art. 1 BayDSchG. Early involvement of the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation according to Art. 6 BayDSchG is therefore necessary in all projects.


Web links

Commons : Architectural monuments in Pilsach  - collection of images, videos and audio files