List of districts and statutory cities in the Duchy of Upper and Lower Silesia

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Administrative division of Austrian Silesia (1900)

This list of the districts and statutory cities in the Duchy of Upper and Lower Silesia lists all former districts in the Crown Land or Duchy of Upper and Lower Silesia .

Districts and statutory cities

The table contains the following information in detail (as of 1910, changes in area after 1910 already taken into account):

Judicial district: Name of the judicial district in German
Czech. Designation: Czech name of the judicial district
Polish designation: Polish name of the judicial district
Polit. District: Political district in which the judicial district was located in 1910
Regional Court: Regional or district court to which the district court was subordinate
Area in km²: Area in km²
Population density: Population density in inhabitants per km²
Population: Residents
German: Residents with German colloquial language
Czech: Residents with “Bohemian, Moravian or Slovak” (usually Czech ) colloquial language
Polish: Residents with Polish colloquial speech
Other: Residents with other colloquial languages ​​as well as foreigners
Catholic: Residents with Catholic faith
Evangel .: Residents with evangelical faith
Israelite: Residents of Israelite faith
Other: Residents with different beliefs
district Czech. Bez. Polish Bez. Area
in km²
Pop. German Czech Polish Others Catholic Evangel. Israelite Other
Bielitz (Land) Bílsko Bielsko 758.13 109 82,835 17,631 663 63,580 961 52,514 28,760 1,533 28
Bielitz (city) Bílsko Bielsko 4.97 3,736 18,568 15,144 136 2,568 720 10,533 4,955 3,024 56
Free City Fryštát Frysztat 316.89 385 122.030 15,159 28,103 75,462 3,306 106,567 12,534 2,459 470
Freiwaldau Frývaldov Frywałdów 736.38 94 68,823 66,855 62 66 1,840 68.133 497 163 30th
Freudenthal Bruntál Bruntal 591.65 83 49,306 48,852 49 41 364 47,535 1,597 157 17th
Friedek (country) Frýdek Frydek 461.71 214 98,957 6,821 76,458 14,519 1,159 93,654 4,226 942 135
Friedek (city) Frýdek Frydek 10.23 966 9,879 5.123 4.033 574 149 9,201 353 318 7th
Hunter village Jindřichov Jindrzychów 532.20 114 60,785 58,133 275 22nd 2,355 54,688 5,480 558 59
Teschen Těšín Cieszyn 730.38 140 102,552 17,045 6,204 77,147 2.156 56,991 42,738 2,689 134
Opava (country) Opava Opawa 642.10 104 66,990 33,200 32.006 560 1,224 66,543 302 129 16
Opava (city) Opava Opawa 10.93 2,815 30,762 27,240 2,039 274 1,209 28,439 1,155 1,112 56
Wagstadt Bílovec Biełowiec 351.44 129 45,462 14,327 30,313 411 411 44,933 161 358 10
district Czech. Bez. Polish Bez. Area
in km²
Pop. German Czech Polish Others Catholic Evangel. Israelite Other


  • kk Central Statistical Commission (ed.): Special locations repertory of the Austrian countries. Edited on the basis of the results of the census of December 31, 1910. Volume XI. Silesia. Vienna 1917 (special location repertories of the Austrian states)