List of honorary citizens of Biedenkopf

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Coat of arms of the city of Biedenkopf

Honorary citizenship has been granted in the town of Biedenkopf since 1856 .

Note: The listing is done chronologically according to the date of award.

The honorary citizens of the city of Biedenkopf

  1. Friedrich von Zangen (born December 2, 1812 in Lang-Göns, † April 6, 1876 in Battenberg)
    Forester, MP
    Awarded January 1, 1856
    Von Zangen was the chief forester in the wooded city for 13 years and improved the forestry there. As a member of the Biedenkopf district, he belonged to the Prussian House of Representatives and the municipal parliament in Wiesbaden and was on the board of the Sparkasse Biedenkopf. He received honorary citizenship when he was transferred to Battenberg in 1856.
  2. Wilhelm Schlotthauer (born March 21, 1859 in Grumbach; † June 9, 1885 in Heppenheim)
    District doctor
    Awarded November 11, 1877
    Dr. Schlotthauer was awarded honorary citizenship for his 25 years of office and his "beneficial and unselfish work".
  3. Carl Mertz (* ??? in Höchst; † ???)
    Senior teacher
    Awarded in 1881
    After receiving his doctorate from the University of Giessen on November 20, 1850 as Dr. phil. Mertz was a senior teacher at the Realprogymnasium between 1856 and 1883 and had rendered outstanding services to “the city's intellectual interests”.
  4. Julius Jakob Esau (born September 11, 1846 in Biedenkopf, † March 8, 1921 in Biedenkopf)
    Teacher and director
    Award ceremony 11/22 May 1900
    Prof. Esau was a teacher and from 1892 director at the Realprogymnasium. Esau has made a name for himself for his diverse functions in the city's communal life. Among other things, he was chairman of the trade association, the beautification association and the bathing association. He achieved special merits as a member of the city parliament.
  5. Theodor Ludwig Werner (born February 24, 1846 in Biedenkopf; † March 3, 1917 in Biedenkopf)
    Soap manufacturer
    Awarding April 12th / 6th May 1913
    “He was always interested in the affairs of his hometown. For several decades he was a member of the local council and then of the city council. During this time he made special contributions to the city ”.
  6. Karl Heinzerling III (born December 25, 1839 in Biedenkopf, † April 13, 1918 in Biedenkopf)
    Awarding April 11th / 13th November 1913
    For more than 41 years he was a city councilor, alderman and deputy city councilor and has rendered outstanding services to the city.
  7. Karl Wilhelm Brühl (born June 23, 1849 in Biedenkopf, † March 19, 1935 in Biedenkopf)
    Authorized signatory
    Awarding April 12th / 6th May 1913
    He was a city councilor for almost 40 years, including 21 years as city councilor. During this time he made special contributions to the city.
  8. Ferdinand Grünewald (born April 27, 1863 in Kassel; † August 5, 1924 in Biedenkopf)
    Mayor a. D.
    Awarding 1st / 3rd April 1924
    From 1895 to 1924 he was mayor of the city. During his tenure there were many innovations in the city, such as the introduction of electric light, the appointment of Biedenkopf as a climatic health resort and the establishment of other municipal facilities. Before and after work, he walked through the city looking for ways to improve and change the city.
  9. Fritz Banss (born April 9, 1867 in Biedenkopf, † April 14, 1927 in Biedenkopf)
    Master locksmith
    Awarding 1./12. August 1927
    Fritz Banss, who continued his father's machine factory Banss KG, was a city councilor, city council chief and magistrate alderman for 24 years. He made a particularly good contribution to the city's timber industry. He was also a member of the supervisory board of Volksbank Biedenkopf , board member of the trade association and a member of the Wiesbaden Chamber of Crafts for 28 years .
  10. Adolf Hitler (born April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn , † April 30, 1945 in Berlin )
    "Führer" and Reich Chancellor
    Awarded on March 23, 1933
    Awarded after a resolution by the NSDAP .
    Withdrawal on July 25, 1946 by resolution of the city council.
    Renewed withdrawal on April 26, 2007 by resolution of the city council due to the false assumption that he was still an honorary citizen of the city.
  11. Wilhelm Thiele (born September 10, 1897 in Ballenstedt . † March 28, 1990 in Biedenkopf)
    Member of the Reichstag, retired mayor D. and district leader
    Awarded on March 23, 1933
    Withdrawal on July 25, 1946 by resolution of the city council.

Adolf Hitler's honorary citizenship was withdrawn twice

Adolf Hitler's honorary citizenship was withdrawn twice in 2006/2007 due to insufficient research.
This was preceded by research by a Biedenköpfer citizen who had found evidence for honorary citizenship, but none for revocation. Since the city did not deal with the topic adequately, it quickly became a political issue, which was taken up and fueled by the regional press. The fronts hardened quickly until the city council on April 26, 2007 revoked the supposed honorary citizenship. Only then did it become clear that Hitler's honorary citizenship had already been withdrawn on July 25, 1946.

Further honors

The city of Biedenkopf also awards the title of city ​​elder to people who have held an honorary position for at least 20 years, as well as the title of honorary mayor .


  • Karl Huth : Biedenkopf. Castle and town through the centuries . Biedenkopf 1977.

Individual evidence

  1. Kreisblatt 1876 No. 29 and 39
  2. Hinterländer Anzeiger of June 17, 1885
  3. ^ Franz Kössler: Directory of doctoral degrees at Giessen University from 1801–1884 Giessen University Library 1970 (PDF file; 4.90 MB)
  4. a b c Karl Huth: Biedenkopf: Castle and town through the centuries . Ed .: Magistrate of the City of Biedenkopf. Wetzlardruck GmbH, Wetzlar 1977, p. 218 .
  5. ^ Hinterländer Anzeiger of March 10, 1921
  6. ^ Hinterländer Anzeiger from March 6, 1917
  7. Hinterländer Anzeiger from March 20, 1935
  8. Hinterländer Anzeiger 1927, No. 98
  9. a b c Hinterländer Anzeiger dated May 24, 2007 with reference to the minutes book of the city council from 1946
  10. Hinterländer Anzeiger from April 12, 2007
  11. Hinterländer Anzeiger from April 29, 2007