Joachim Theis

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Joachim Theis (born July 22, 1955 in Birkenfeld an der Nahe ) is a German theologian .


Theis obtained a diploma in Catholic theology in 1981 and worked from 1981 to 1983 as a religion teacher at the vocational school for trade and technology in Trier . From 1983 to 2005 he worked as a part-time religion teacher at the Auguste-Viktoria-Gymnasium in Trier.

From 1983 to 1991 Joachim Theis was administrator of the scientific assistant position at the chair for religious education and a permanent employee in the pastoral course at the episcopal seminary and in the preparatory service of the diocese of Trier. In 1990 he received his doctorate with a thesis on Paul as a wisdom teacher. The crucified one and the wisdom of God in 1 Cor 1–4 . In 1991 he was a research assistant at the chair for religious education . From 1993 to 2004 he held the office of senior academic counselor at the Trier Theological Faculty.

Since 1997 he has acted as a specialist in religious education for the supervision and assessment of the chaplains of the Trier diocese . In 2002 he completed his habilitation with the work Understanding the Bible. A biblical didactic study with an empirical study on the parable of the good Samaritan . From 2002 to 2004 he was a private lecturer at the Catholic Faculty of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn and during the same period he was a representative of the university professor for religious education and homiletics . Since December 1, 2004, he has been a full professor for religious education with catechetics at the Trier Theological Faculty . In addition to his teaching activities at the theological faculty, he is also responsible for the religious education training of the pastoral officers of the diocese of Trier.

Joachim Theis was chairman of the Working Group on Catholic Religious Education and Catechetics (AKRK) from 2006 to 2014 . Since 2015 he has been a member of the federal board of the German Catechists Association (dkv).

Theological teaching

The main research areas of Joachim Theis are:

  1. Foundation and didactic justification of religious education
  2. Bible didactics
  3. Theology and empiricism
  4. Guidelines for the catechesis of the Eucharist
  5. The situation of the religion teacher

Works (selection)


  • Paul as a wisdom teacher. The crucified one and the wisdom of God in 1 Cor 1–4 , Regensburg 1991.
  • From the New Testament , in: Niehl, Franz W. (Ed.): Learning to live with the Bible. The text commentary on Meine Schulbibel, Munich 2003, 159-283.
  • The world goes faster than the church , Trier 2005.
  • Learn to understand biblical texts. A biblical didactic study with an empirical study on the parable of the good Samaritan , Stuttgart et al. 2005.
  • Teaching, Learning and Living Christian Spirituality , Göttingen 2006 (ed. With Altmeyer, Boschki and Woppowa)
  • I am a Christian - for good reason. On the attraction of being a Christian today , Trier 2007 (ed. With Fleckenstein, Maurer, Thomas, Wirtz)
  • RELI - for a good reason. Why religious education is important today , Munich 2012.
  • Religious education - options, discourses, goals , Stuttgart 2013 (ed. With Altmeyer and Bitter).

Essays and journal articles

  • ... I found a partnership basis , in: Cat. Blätter 111 (1986) 110–111.
  • The religious judgment and its meaning for the understanding of the philanthropic God , in: Heinz Feilzer / Andreas Heinz / Wolfgang Lentzen-Deis (eds.): The philanthropic God. Access-Inquiry-Consequences. FS Alfons Thome, Trier 1990, 220-236.
  • Religious Education: Paths to a Mature Faith , in: RHS 36 (1/1993) 49–58.
  • The parable of the talents. Elementizing preparation of lessons , in: Cat. Blätter 118 (7/1993) 484–490.
  • Curriculum vitae and proclamation , in: Andreas Heinz / Wolfgang Lentzen-Deis / Ernst Schneck (ed.): Ways of evangelization . FS Heinz Feilzer, Trier 1993, 225-234.
  • Tuiskon Ziller (1817-1882) , in: Rudolf Englert (ed.): What they believed in - what they lived for. 365 companions for the days of the year , Munich 1993, 118.
  • The Sacrament of Confirmation in Religious Education and Catechesis. University didactic efforts using the example of religious education seminar work of the theological faculty Trier , in: RPB 33 (1994) 139-148.
  • Education as a cultural event , in: Bernhard Jendorff (Ed.): Catholic religious instruction : Wohin? Visions from experiences with a subject in motion , Donauwörth 1996, 175-181.
  • Approaches to the subject of death in our society , in: TThZ 105 (4/1996) 266-274.
  • Art. Wisdom , in: Josef Hainz / Alexander Sand (ed.): Munich Theological Dictionary for the New Testament , Düsseldorf 1997, 398–400.
  • Elementarization in first communion catechesis , in: TThZ 106 (2/1997) 145-153. Learning in relationship, in: RPB 41 (1999) 117-128.
  • The Bible as a reproduction of lifeworlds. Communicative and dialogic understanding as a type of action for religious learning , in: Engelbert Groß / Klaus König (eds.): Religious learning of the churches in global dialogue. Worldwide acute challenges and practice for one-world religious education , Münster-Hamburg-London 2000, 559–562.
  • Religious situation and churchliness of young people. Findings from an empirical study , in: TThZ 110 (2/2001) 151-160.
  • Understanding biblical texts , in: Thomas Schreijäck (Hrsg.): Becoming a Christian in cultural change. Analyzes, topics and options for religious education and practical theology , Freiburg-Basel-Wien 2001, 609–622.
  • The Passion story according to Markus as a religious educational task , in: RPB 49 (2002) 17–32.
  • Lifeworld. A challenge for adult education , in: Joachim Theis (Ed.): The world goes faster than the church , Trier 2005, 121-133.
  • 'Newly read': Bruno Dreher , in: RPB 54 (2005) 129-132.
  • Religious instruction relevant to life in today's society , TThZ 114 (4/2005) 299–317.
  • Considerations for a biblical didactic seminar: The parable of the good Samaritan (in the main course [Master]), in: Georg Köhl: Learning pastoral care in studies and work , Trier 2006, 89-103.
  • Raise awareness and invite. Communication-theoretical foundations of spirituality didactics (with S. Altmeyer), in: Altmeyer / Boschki / Theis / Woppowa: Christian Spirituality teach, learn and live , Göttingen 2006, 85-102.
  • "A celibate has completely different starting conditions" , in: Reuter, Julia / Vedder, Günther / Liebig, Brigitte (eds.): Professor with child. Scientific reports , Frankfurt-New York 2008, 135-142.
  • How young people think of Jesus Christ , in: C. Georg-Zöller / L. Hauser / FR Prostmeier (ed.): Jesus as a messenger of salvation. The proclamation of salvation and the experience of salvation in early Christian times. FS Detlev Dormeyer for his 65th birthday, Stuttgart 2008, 425–436.
  • with Carola Fleck, guidelines for the catechesis of the Eucharist. Working process and results of the “Project Group Catechesis” in the Diocese of Trier (September 2005 - July 2007), in: TThZ 4 (2008) 322–338.
  • Bible didactics as enabling didactics , in: Michael Bachmann / Johannes Woyke (eds.): Amazingly lively and startlingly understandable? Studies and impulses for Bible didactics, Neukirchen 2009, 319–332.
  • Construct or interpret? , in: forum 3/10 (2010) 4-5.
  • Varied, tolerant and open , in: forum 4/10 (2010) 4–6.
  • Laudation al Doctor honoris causa de Teología , in: J. Fuentes / M. Meyer: Servidor de todos. Cardinal Julio Terrazas , La Paz 2011, 130-134.
  • Heilig-Rock-Pilgrimage - aesthetic experience and performative event , in: Dannecker, Klaus Peter (ed.): The garment of Christ - On the road with God as a person. Theological considerations on the holy rock pilgrimage 2012 , Trier 2011 101-118.
  • The robe of Jesus. A chance on the path of ecumenical learning , in: Thull, Philipp / Scheidgen, Hermann-Josef (ed.): Let yourselves be reconciled with God. The holy skirt as a sign of undivided Christianity , Nordhausen 2012, 97-114.
  • Studying competence-oriented theology , in: TTZ (1/2012) 62–71.
  • Religious instruction without a Bible? Elements of a didactic approach to text encounters, in: Altmeyer, Stefan / Bitter, Gottfried / Theis, Johachim: Religiöse Bildung - Options , Diskurs, Tore, Stuttgart 2013, 241-254.
  • What do you think of the bible Empirical findings and aesthetic reception considerations , in: Rendle, Ludwig (ed.): To the forming power of the Bible. Arguments - accesses - receptions , Munich 2013, 12-37.
  • Much more than imparting knowledge in: Paulinus No. 14 (April 6, 2014), 5.
  • Young people and their worlds. Empirical insights into youth research and its consequences for religious instruction in schools, in: TThZ 123 (3/2014) 205-221.
  • with Rainer Möller, Art. curriculum in: Mirjam Zimmermann / Heike Lindner (eds.): WiReLex (created: Jan. 2015).
  • The prophet Jeremiah - for today ?! in: KatBl 140 (2015) 248-254.
  • The Hattie study and its significance for religious education in: RpB 73 (2015) 91-101.
  • "... tore his coat in two to warm the man ..." in: RpB 75 (2016) 52-61.
  • Catechesis as a community in: Stefan Altmeyer / Gottfried Bitter / Reinhold Boschki: Christian catechesis under the conditions of the "fleeting modernity" , Stuttgart 2016, 257-267.
  • Attitudes towards the Bible of young people in: Mirjam Zimmermann / Heike Linder (ed.): WiReLex (created: 2017)


  • Rudi Ott, Dialogical Bibeldidaktik, Correlative Interpretation of the Corinthian Letters in the College / Study Level , Frankfurt 1990, in: TThZ 100 (4/1991) 317–319.
  • Willy Klawe / Jörg Matzen (eds.), Learning against xenophobia. Pedagogical approaches to dealing with loss of orientation, prejudices and racism , Weinheim / Munich 1993, in: Cat. Blätter 118 (8-9 / 1993) 657–658.
  • Bernhard Dressler / Friedrich Johannsen / Rudolf Tammeus (eds.), Hermeneutics - Symbol - Education. Perspectives in religious education since 1945 , Neukirchen-Vluyn 1999, in: Cat. Blätter 126 (2001) 76–77.
  • Matthias Günther, interest in fellow human beings. Lifestyle-oriented biblical indexing in biblical lessons , Frankfurt (Peter Lang) 2001, in RPB 50 (2003) 151.
  • Gerhard Büttner / Martin Schneider (eds.), You always have a piece of God in you. Interpreting biblical stories with children , 2 volumes, part 1: Old Testament, Stuttgart (Calwer) 2004 [207 p .; ISBN 3-7668-3879-2 ]; Part 2: New Testament, Stuttgart (Calwer) 2006, in RPB 57 (2006) 139-140.

Contributions on CD

  • Learning in Relationship , in: Bischöfliches Generalvikariat Trier (Ed.), CD-Rom: Practice - Theory for Pastors, Trier 2002.
  • On the relationship between youth and ecumenism - or: Why there is no such thing . In: Central Committee of German Catholics (ed.), Justice in front of God's face. 96th German Catholic Day Saarbrücken 24. – 28. May 2006, Kevelaer 2007, document: 3154

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