List of memorial trees in Ruhland

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The list of memorial trees in Ruhland includes trees in today's urban area of Ruhland, including the Arnsdorf district and its districts, which were planted to commemorate an event or to commemorate a person. The list also contains memorial stones or plaques belonging to the trees, although these are also included in the list of monuments, memorial stones and stone crosses in Ruhland .

In this table, year is the year of planting.

District location image designation year description
Ruhland map former Bismarck oak former Bismarck oak 1895 Dedicated to Otto von Bismarck by the Heimatverein Ruhland on his 80th birthday; Across from the upper parish on the church square, an oak was planted in April and a 2 ½ m high monument made of sandstone was inaugurated on June 9th. The front of the memorial had a plaque with the portrait and the inscription “1. April 1895 ". On the back it said "The Great Chancellor". The memorial was removed in 1945.
Ruhland map former Bismarck monument, destroyed in 1945 former Bismarck monument 1895 Dedicated to Otto von Bismarck by the Heimatverein Ruhland on his 80th birthday; opposite the upper parish on the church square, a 2 ½ m high monument made of sandstone was inaugurated and an oak was planted. The front of the memorial had a plaque with the portrait and the inscription “1. April 1895 ". On the back it said "The Great Chancellor". The memorial was removed in 1945.
Schönburgsau map "Ehrenhain" with (2nd) gymnast monument more pictures Ehrenhain on Geschwister-Scholl-Weg 2011 In 1922 the gymnastics club Gut-Heil created an honorary grove with the gymnast monument in 1864 and planted it with pedunculate oaks for every gymnast who fell in World War I. Obviously, some oaks that had not grown were later replaced by robinia. The stock extended between Ortrander Strasse and Schwarzwasser to the sports field (now the fire brigade). In the meantime only part of the inventory is left. Regrown some Linden, were planted in 2017 per a mountain and a sugar maple .
Ruhland map “Standard hornbeam” in front of the school “Standard hornbeam” in front of the Geschwister-Scholl-Schule 2011 In 1990, a hornbeam was dug up from Geschwister-Scholl-Weg and planted on October 3rd as a “standard hornbeam” in front of the school (Dresdener Straße 9, in the middle of the main building) to confirm the name and care sponsorship. The school director Gisbert Büttner, the park active chairman Wilhelm Zimmerling and the biology teacher Erika Zänsler (also a member of the park active) were involved.
Ruhland map former Hindenburg oak in the Ruhlander forest former Hindenburg oak 1915 On October 2, 1915, Prince Ulrich von Schönburg-Waldenburg gave a 200-year-old oak the name "Hindenburg Oak" on its 68th birthday
Ruhland map "Luther Oak" handover to the city festival more pictures Luther oak 2017 In the Luther year, for the 700th anniversary of the city, the neighboring city of Ortrand gave a red oak . This was taken care of by the chairman of Parkaktiv Ruhland, schooled and, after discussions, ultimately planted at the location he proposed. The planting on April 19, 2018 was carried out by the chairman of the park, the Mayor of Ruhland Uwe Kminikowski and the Mayor of Ortrand, Nico Gebel. Alternative locations had previously been examined: Kirchplatz, Elsterbogen, KiTa Hartwigstraße and Ortrander Straße / sports field were discarded.
Ruhland First sign of the Luther oak that was given to the city of Ruhland for the 700th anniversary Luther oak 2017 In the Luther year, for the 700th anniversary of the city, the neighboring city of Ortrand gave a red oak.
Ruhland map Singer Linden Mixed Choir Ruhland more pictures Singer Linden Mixed Choir Ruhland 2011 Singer linden tree at the entrance to the town, Berliner Strasse, corner of Elsterbogen.

The singer linden trees in the Ruhland office are a gift from the Schwarzbach mixed choir on the occasion of the 12th official choir meeting and the 15th year of the foundation. The linden tree of the mixed choir Ruhland was planted on September 29, 2011 at the city entrance (Elsterbogen / Berliner Straße). On this day, the autumn fountain festival was on the market square and the newly built bridge over the inner ditch was opened.

Ruhland map Sängerlinden memorial stone more pictures Sängerlinden memorial stone 2016 Sängerlinden memorial stone at the entrance to Ruhland, Berliner Strasse, corner of Elsterbogen.

The singer linden trees in the Ruhland office are a gift from the Schwarzbach mixed choir on the occasion of the 12th official choir meeting and the 15th year of the foundation. The singing linden tree of the mixed choir Ruhland was planted on September 29, 2011 at the city entrance (Elsterbogen / Berliner Straße) and the gift, a slate plate with reference to the 12th official singers meeting, was attached next to the tree. A little later to the north, the Ruhland men's choir was planted in 1846. On April 8, 2016, a newly designed slate board was attached to a granite slab.

Ruhland map Sängerlinde male choir 1846 Ruhland more pictures Sängerlinde male choir 1846 Ruhland 2011 Singer linden tree at the entrance to Ruhland, Berliner Strasse, corner of Elsterbogen.

The singer linden trees in the Ruhland office are a gift from the Schwarzbach mixed choir on the occasion of the 12th official choir meeting and the 15th year of the foundation. The linden tree of the men's choir 1846 Ruhland was planted in October 2011 at the city entrance (Elsterbogen / Berliner Straße) a little to the north next to that of the mixed choir Ruhland.

Arnsdorf map Sängerlinde Men's Choir 1883 Arnsdorf more pictures Sängerlinde Men's Choir 1883 Arnsdorf 2011 Singer linden tree at Hoffmanns Mühle Arnsdorf, Mühlenstrasse 1, on the upper water

The singer linden trees in the Ruhland office are a gift from the Schwarzbach mixed choir on the occasion of the 12th official choir meeting and the 15th year of the foundation. The singing linden tree of the 1883 Arnsdorf men's choir was planted in Arnsdorf, Mühlenstraße 1, on the upper water of Hoffmanns Mühle. The 1883 Arnsdorf men's choir meets weekly in the mill for rehearsals.

Web links

Commons : Memorial trees in Ruhland  - collection of pictures

Individual evidence

  1. Chronicle of the city of Ruhland 1317 to 1997
  2. Horst Bormann: The Elster Chronicle still knows. . . Ruhland 100 years ago: Bismark oak and Bismarck monument in: Official Journal Amt Ruhland , edition 6/1995, p. 8
  3. ^ Elster-Chronik , April 1895 edition and June 1895 edition
  4. Horst Bormann: The Elster Chronicle still knows. . . Ruhland 100 years ago: Bismark oak and Bismarck monument in: Official Journal Amt Ruhland , edition 6/1995, p. 8
  5. ^ Elster-Chronik , April 1895 edition and June 1895 edition
  6. Online project fallen memorials: first execution of the gymnast memorial in sandstone later replaced by a granite stele (sandstone block now at the gymnasium Ortrander Straße)
  7. H. Kunath: Hindenburgeiche in: Official Journal Amt Ruhland , edition 3/1997, p. 13
  8. Elster Chronicle , January 8, 1916
  9. U. Kminikowski / W. Zimmerling / N. Gebel / red .: Luther oak as a symbol for a long friendship in: Lausitzer Rundschau , Senftenberg issue, April 24, 2018 ; accessed on April 25, 2018.
  10. (red.): Luther oak planted in: Lausitzer Week , Senftenberg edition, 28./29. April 2018, p.1 ; accessed on April 29, 2018.
  11. U. Kminikowski: Luthereiche connects Ruhland and Ortrand in: Märkischer Bote , 27. April 2018, p. 3 ; accessed on April 29, 2018.
  12. a b c d Homepage Mixed Choir Ruhland eV: Sängerlinden , accessed on May 28, 2017.
  13. (from): To open the bridge, dealers celebrate a festival in: Lausitzer Rundschau , Senftenberg issue, September 30, 2011; accessed on June 7, 2017