List of Jonang monasteries

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This is a list of Jonang Monasteries , monasteries belonging to a sub-school of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism ( Vajrayana ). They are located in the north of Sichuan and in the southwest of Qinghai .

The Bangtuo Monastery (Bangtuo si 棒 托 寺) and the Cuo'erji Monastery (Cuo'erji si 措 尔 机 寺; Tibet. Chöje Gompa) (both in Zamtang County of the Ngawa Autonomous District of the Tibetans and Qiang in northern Sichuan ) and the Phüntshog Ling Monastery ( Lhatse District , Shigatse, Tibet) have been on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China since 2001 and 2006 respectively .

The names of the monasteries are written in Chinese: in pinyin and in traditional Chinese script. For the writings cf. Religions in Tibet (lit.).


Ngawa Autonomous District of the Tibetans and Qiang





Golog Autonomous District of the Tibetans





  • Kalsang Gyal 尕 藏 加: Zhongguo Xizang jiben qingkuang congshu - Xizang zongjiao中國 西藏 基本 情況 叢書 ─ 西藏 宗教 ( Online )
  • Jo nang mdza 'mthun lo rgyus phyogs bsgrig tshogs, ed. Jo nang ba'i gdan rabs mdor bsdus drang srong rgan po'i zhal lung / Juenang si yuan jian jie. Pe cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2005.
  • Religions in Tibet ; ISBN 75085-04372

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