List of cultural monuments in Deutschenbora

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The list of cultural monuments in Deutschenbora contains the official list of monuments of the State Office for Monument Preservation Saxony designated cultural monuments in Nossener district Deutschenbora .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .


image designation location Dating description ID
Tenement house At station 2
End of the 19th century Distinctive historicizing building with a raised central section, economical but appealing plaster structure and accentuating facade decoration, significant in terms of building history.

Roof bay, double arched windows, plaster structure, pilasters, plaster grooves, according to the owner, a master hairdresser had the house built, the property was acquired in 1898, a postcard from 1905 shows that it was built around 1900.


Individual features of the material entity Rittergut Deutschenbora: mansion (No. 1), presumed estate manager's house (No. 2), three residential and farm buildings (No. 3–5), two partially converted barns (No. 6 and 7), two archways, the front one with coat of arms stone, and the remains of the wall enclosure (see also material collection - Obj. 09302192, same address)
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Individual features of the material entity Rittergut Deutschenbora: mansion (No. 1), presumed estate manager's house (No. 2), three residential and farm buildings (No. 3–5), two partially converted barns (No. 6 and 7), two archways, the front one with coat of arms stone, and the remains of the wall enclosure (see also material collection - Obj. 09302192, same address) At school 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7
re. 1744, older in essence Manor house of the older core of the 16th century, memorial plaque on the archway, which reminds of killed police officers, property historically and structurally important as well as of relevance for the townscape.

Number 1 mansion (marked 1744), older core from the 16th century, with a vaulted ground floor from the 16th century, original owner: von Mergenthal (owned manor from 1400 to 1748), only remnants of the roof structure remain (as it was on August 13, 2008 ), Number 2 probably the former estate manager's house, striking building with hipped roof, end of 18th century (or older), entrance with remarkable archways, number 3/4 eastern farm building, elongated building with gable roof, 2nd half of the 19th century, number 5 two Farm building as the northern end of the courtyard (marked 1873 and marked 1861) as well as number 6/7 two free-standing, partially converted barns with a gable roof.


Subject aggregate Rittergut Deutschenbora, consisting of the individual monuments: manor house (No. 1), presumed estate administrator's house (No. 2), three residential and farm buildings (No. 3–5), two partially converted barns (No. 6 and 7), two archways, the front one with coat of arms stone, remains of the wall enclosure (see individual monuments - Obj. 09268506, same address) as well as areas of a former park (material parts)
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Subject aggregate Rittergut Deutschenbora, consisting of the individual monuments: manor house (No. 1), presumed estate administrator's house (No. 2), three residential and farm buildings (No. 3–5), two partially converted barns (No. 6 and 7), two archways, the front one with coat of arms stone, remains of the wall enclosure (see individual monuments - Obj. 09268506, same address) as well as areas of a former park (material parts) At school 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7
1744–1873, essentially older Manor house with an older core from the 16th century, the property has a significant architectural and local history and is of relevance to the townscape.

The completely changed remnants of the former manor park are not a garden monument, only part of the manor.


Residential building Mahlitzscher Strasse 1
re. 1853 Rural residential building, upper floor with half-timbering, part of the striking town center with church, manor and former inn, significant in terms of building history.

Door frame and window frames made of sandstone, inscribed "18 ... 53" on the door frame, a boarded gable, a gable truss.


Old school (school building above hook-shaped floor plan and barn) Mahlitzscher Strasse 2
1857 School a massive plastered building with a classicistic portal, half-timbered barn, distinctive group of buildings, together with the buildings of the manor and the church opposite, forms a significant ensemble and the historical core of the place, significant in terms of building history, local history and urban planning.

The building, which was built in 1857 and expanded in 1885, is significant in terms of both architecture and local history. The old school is a striking building with a high pitched roof and the gable end of the entrance. The small barn belonging to it in the courtyard area shows an interesting half-timbered construction with thresholds, stems and struts. In terms of design and authenticity, the property stands out from many comparable village schools. Apart from that, it forms the historically significant core of Deutschenbora with the buildings of the manor, village church with churchyard and large, remarkable village inn in the immediate vicinity. This core is one of the most picturesque local views in the district of Meißen. A striking historical illustration of the place in the manors and castles in Saxony, II. Meißner Kreis shows that there was a small half-timbered building on the site of the school building from the second half of the 19th century. Although larger than its predecessor, the old school fits in well with the ensemble of manor and church with churchyard immediately opposite due to its restrained cubature.


Dorfkirche Deutschenbora (church (including furnishings) and churchyard with morgue, enclosure and retaining wall, war memorial for those who fell in World War I and some tombs)
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Dorfkirche Deutschenbora (church (including furnishings) and churchyard with morgue, enclosure and retaining wall, war memorial for those who fell in World War I and some tombs) Mahlitzscher Strasse 4
1698 Church with gallery, in the churchyard a striking war memorial with soldiers' figures, inscriptions, etc. as well as three monumental grave sites: neo-Gothic tomb with wheel cross as an attachment, 2nd half of the 19th century, tomb Döring, 1902 and neo-Gothic tomb with angel figure in relief, 2nd half 19th century

Baroque hall church with west tower, plus interior fittings including Vasa Sacra , testimony to the church architecture of the late 17th and especially 18th centuries, of architectural and local history as well as artistically significant.

Evangelical parish church. Newly built hall church in 1698 at the instigation of Maria Magdalena von Mergenthal, extended to the east by her son August Philipp in 1739, at the same time enlargement of the older family crypt under the eastern parts of the building. The lower parts of the west tower in the first half of the 16th century and 1698, the construction probably in 1739. The very clearly defined interior was restored by Franz Hesse in 1914–17 and decorated in the Baroque Art Nouveau style, as well as the small east extension. Interior restoration 1972. Plastered building with a straight east end, the gable roof hipped in the east, two rows of arched windows, the plastered facades with corner pilasters, the east extension with a hipped roof. On the north facade there is a pointed arch forged lattice door, probably 17th century, which closes a ventilation shaft of the crypt. On the tower, late Gothic base profile on the west side, interrupted by the west portal from 1914 to 1917, rectangular substructure, the octagonal bell storey with a hood, lantern and delicate onion. Above the portal of the tower stone reliefs with the coat of arms of those of Mergenthal with wide writing, with the coats of arms of the same family and those of Wolffersdorf, also with wide writing, above with the coats of arms of those of Mergenthal and the marshal von Bieberstein , inscribed 1546 and with a renewal date 1739, between a crucifix on the coat of arms. Inside, all fixtures and fittings are arranged strictly symmetrically, with the pulpit altar and the baptismal font placed in front of it, the central locations of the Lutheran liturgy, as a visual target. Flat plaster ceiling over a cove, with a neo-baroque frame stucco field. The wooden galleries of the southern and northern longitudinal walls, supported by baluster supports, are arched together on the east wall, so that another gallery is created behind the pulpit altar that carries the rich organ prospect in the middle above the altar. Opposite on the west side the master gallery, marked 1709, a bay-like wooden construction with a three-part broken front, partly glazed, with carved, gilded ornamental decoration on a white background and painted coats of arms of those of Mergenthal and those of Wolffersdorf. The church stalls probably from 1739, the cheeks each crowned with a rolled profile. - The windows, 1914–17 partially colored glazed with coats of arms and ornaments set strong accents within the otherwise white shell.

Equipment: Pulpit altar made of wood from 1739, painted light, structure with two Corinthian pilasters, vases on the cranked cornice, the octagonal corpus with arched access from behind. - Sandstone baptismal font, inscribed 1562, with restoration date 1739, its foot decorated with pendants and leaves and inscribed, the chalice shell-shaped below, with ribbon shapes, flower ornaments and other inscriptions as well as the coats of arms of those of Mergenthal and of Marshal von Bieberstein. - Organ prospectus, 1740, modified 1914–17, structured by Ionic pillars, with vase attachments and a crowning coat of arms, as well as rich ornamental decoration, white and gold. - Cycle of ancestral pictures by those von Mergenthal, 1556, probably 1667 and mid-18th century, three landscape-format oil paintings along the entire length of the parapet of the southern pore, depicting seven generations in family groups, the people identified by inscriptions and shown with their coats of arms, the 1st picture from 1556 begins with the group of Hans d. Ä. († 1480), kneeling in armor, behind him his son Hans, his wife and two daughters, followed by Hans d. J. († 1506) with his family, then Wolf († 1556) with two wives and eleven children, the three groups separated by Renaissance pilasters connected by arched friezes. The second picture, probably 1667, also divided into three parts by a painted arcade architecture, with the families of Abraham († 1574), the Wolf († 1614) and the Younger Wolf († 1648). The third picture is also structured by an architectural painting, only showing the large family group of Caspar Rudolph († 1686), then his 12th son August Philipp, kneeling, with his left hand pointing to the row of his ancestors, with two long inscriptions that refer to this last male descendant of the sex, who died in 1748, originated around 1750. Portrait of August Philipp von Mergenthal in a breastplate, with a large wig, oil on canvas, 2nd V. 18th century - sconces on the supports and three-armed candlesticks on the balustrades of the galleries, metalwork, Art Nouveau, around 1917 (Dehio Sachsen I , 1996)


Residential stable of a three-sided courtyard Mahlitzscher Strasse 7
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Massively stocky framework


Residential stable house, side building and barn of a farm Meißner Strasse 1
1st half of the 19th century Homestead that has been preserved closed, all buildings with half-timbering, significant in terms of building history and economic history.

Residential stable house and side building: solid timber frame, barn: timber frame probably partially bricked (plastered), original windows.


Residential stable house and manual pump of a farm Meißner Strasse 7
re. 1799 Remarkable half-timbered construction, half-timbered also on the ground floor, construction partly with head struts on the ground floor, significant in terms of architectural history.

Half-timbered, partly massive


Side building and barn in a four-sided courtyard Meißner Strasse 15
2nd half of the 19th century Side building with half-timbered construction on the upper floor, plastered solid barn, significant building and economic history.

Side building: solid timber frame, barn: solid, upper entrance, back boarded up, according to the owners, the barn was built in 1903 and its roof was renewed in 1943.


Alter Gasthof (Former inn with residential building with integrated stable wing, barn attached to it, side building and hall building with a small annex)
Alter Gasthof (Former inn with residential building with integrated stable wing, barn attached to it, side building and hall building with a small annex) Meißner Strasse 16
around 1800 Guest house with half-timbered upper floor in ancient construction (cross braces to the courtyard) and with basket arch portal to the courtyard, massive barn with a high crooked hip roof, massive hall building from the 19th century, next to the manor the most remarkable property of Deutschebora, important in terms of building history and local history.
  • Inn: solid timber frame
  • Farm building (half-timbered), both around 1800
  • Barn: 18th century, half-hip roof, massive framework.

Side building (No. 2a) and archway (to No. 2b) of a former four-sided courtyard Road of Progress 2a; 2b
1st half of the 19th century Side building, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Solid, stocky half-timbering, old windows.


Side building of a four-sided courtyard Road of Progress 8
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, boarded gable, of architectural significance.

Massively stocky half-timbering, old windows, boarded gables.


Barn of a Hakenhof Progress Road 11
1st half of the 19th century Half-timbered barn, of architectural and economic importance.



Side building of a three-sided courtyard Road of Progress 12
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, significant in terms of building history. 09268515

Gasthof Deutschenbora (side building of an inn) Wilsdruffer Straße 3
re. 1813 Upper floor half-timbered clad, historical relaxation (former inn, Wilsdruffer Straße 1, a plastered building with a classicist portal, demolished in 2012), significant in terms of building history and local history.

The striking three-storey inn building with a hipped roof, hall wing and extension is marked above the entrance with the date 1869. Side building and barn show half-timbering. The former is dated 1813 in the door frame. Demolition permit 2007/2009 granted, inn in January 2012 not yet canceled, but in summer 2012 the guest house with hall and neighboring barn (Flstk. 174/11) demolished.


Web links

Commons : Kulturdenkmale in Nossen  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files