List of cultural monuments in Plossen

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The list of cultural monuments in Plossen contains the cultural monuments of the Plossen district on the Plossenberg in the Meissen district . It is located south of the old town of the district town of Meißen on the left bank of the Elbe in the district of Meißen . The listed objects were recorded in the list of monuments by the State Office for Monument Preservation Saxony as of 2017. It is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .

List of cultural monuments in Plossen

image designation location Dating description ID
Residential house in open development, with garage and fencing Am Breitenberg 3
1930s (residential building), 1930s (enclosure) From an artistic and architectural point of view of importance, a striking building in the Heimat style 09266101
Villa with enclosure
Villa with enclosure Dr.-Donner-Strasse 2
1910s (villa) Historically significant, a reform-style building after 1900 09266098
Rental villa with enclosure
Rental villa with enclosure Dr.-Donner-Strasse 3
around 1900 (rental villa) historically important, a house in the style of late historicism (with half-timbered gable) 09266096
Villa with fence and gate system and garden
Villa with fence and gate system and garden Dr.-Donner-Strasse 4
1896 (villa) a building in the style of late historicism (with a sprinkling gable), a building of importance in terms of building history, urban development history and urban planning 09266097
Residential house in open development with fencing Goldgrund 6
around 1910 (residential building) Of architectural significance, in the reform style of the time around 1910 09266213
Residential house with side building of a former winery Goldgrund 7
marked 1731 and marked 1840 (winery) Of local, artistic and architectural importance, two excellent baroque stone stairs have been preserved inside 09265588
Villa with outbuildings and fencing
Villa with outbuildings and fencing Kapellenweg 1
1893 (villa) Significant in terms of local history, artistry, urban development and architectural history, representative Wilhelminian style villa with brick facades and sandstone integration 09266087
Unity of Martin's Chapel and St. Martini's Cemetery (also Martin's cemetery)
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Unity of Martin's Chapel and St. Martini's Cemetery (also Martin's cemetery) Kapellenweg 5 (next to)
Mid-12th century, later remodeled (chapel) Material entirety Martinskapelle and St. Martini cemetery (also Martinsfriedhof), with the individual monuments: Martinskapelle on the Plossenberg (today burial church) and some tombs or grave facilities, cemetery portal and enclosure wall (see obj. 09301241) as well as the cemetery complex as a material part; The church is of Romanesque origin in terms of urban planning, landscape design, architectural history and artistic importance 09266090
Martinskapelle and St. Martini cemetery: Martinskapelle on the Plossenberg
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Martinskapelle and St. Martini cemetery: Martinskapelle on the Plossenberg Kapellenweg 5 (next to)
Mid-12th century, later reshaped (chapel), 1912/1950 (tomb), 1874/1914 (tomb) Individual features of the aggregate Martinskapelle and St. Martini cemetery: Martinskapelle on the Plossenberg (today burial church) and some tombs or grave facilities, cemetery portal and enclosure wall (see Obj. 09266090); The church is of Romanesque origin in terms of urban planning, landscape design, architectural history and artistic importance 09301241
Villa with garden, fence and gate
Villa with garden, fence and gate Kapellenweg 8
after 1900 (villa) Representative historicizing building with elaborate brick and sandstone facades, revitalization through stepped gables and corner tower, rich ornamentation with Art Nouveau echoes, interior noteworthy, of local historical, artistic, urban and architectural significance 09266089
Rental villa
Rental villa Kapellenweg 9
around 1890 (rental villa) of importance in terms of urban planning and building history, Wilhelminian style villa (plastered facade with clinker brick structure) 09266088
Rental villa
Rental villa Kapellenweg 11
after 1905 (rental villa) Significant urban development and architectural history, representative Wilhelminian style villa in the style of late historicism (wooden veranda and ornamental half-timbered gable, partly slated) 09266086
Villa with gate entrance
Villa with gate entrance Marienhofstrasse 2
around 1900 (villa) Significant in terms of local history, artistry, urban development and architectural history, a villa in the style of the German neo-Renaissance 09266091
Villa with garden terrace including stairs, paving of the driveway, pavilion and fountain in the garden as well as fencing
Villa with garden terrace including stairs, paving of the driveway, pavilion and fountain in the garden as well as fencing Marienhofstrasse 3
Inscribed 1899 (manufacturer's villa), 1905 (garden pavilion), around 1910 (fountain) late historical villa with clinker brick facade, echoes of neo-Gothic and neo-renaissance, of importance in terms of local history, artistry, urban development and architectural history 09266093
Residential house (presumably a former winery) in open development, consisting of two wings and a gate to the property
Residential house (presumably a former winery) in open development, consisting of two wings and a gate to the property Marienhofstrasse 5; 6
End of the 18th century, later remodeled (residential building) Significant in terms of local history, urban development and architectural history, mansion-like residential building, tower construction that defines the street scene 09266299
Rental villa (villa) with enclosure
Rental villa (villa) with enclosure Marienhofstrasse 7
around 1915 (villa) Significant in terms of town planning and building history, country house-like house, a building in the reform style after 1910 09300986
Villa with enclosure, retaining wall to the Poetenweg and villa garden
Villa with enclosure, retaining wall to the Poetenweg and villa garden Marienhofstrasse 8
1895–1896, marked 1896 (in weather vane) Representative late-founding property, villa with historicizing facade (partly in half-timbered construction) and large parts of the original interior (for example lead-glazed windows in the stairwell), significant in terms of local history, artistry, and building and urban development history 09266095
Villa with enclosure
Villa with enclosure Marienhofstrasse 12
around 1900 (villa) Significant in terms of local history, artistry, urban development and architectural history, a villa in the late historical style (attic half-timbered, massive veranda that defines the facade) 09266094
Garden house with remise (originally part of Villa Kapellenweg 8)
Garden house with remise (originally part of Villa Kapellenweg 8) Marienhofstrasse 15
around 1900 (Remise) Significant in terms of urban planning and architectural history, a Wilhelminian style building (clinker brick facade with half-timbering) 09266092
Villa with stairs, vineyard, park, garden house / studio house and enclosure as well as historical bars in the park
Villa with stairs, vineyard, park, garden house / studio house and enclosure as well as historical bars in the park Plossenweg 4
around 1850 (villa), late 19th century (studio) Significant in terms of town planning, local history and architectural history, a still classicist building from early historicism, the half-timbered garden house / studio house of the Meissen painter Rudolf Kanka 09265532
Residential house in semi-open development
Residential house in semi-open development Plossenweg 5
1st half of the 19th century (residential building) of importance in terms of urban development and architectural history 09265534
Residential house in semi-open development
Residential house in semi-open development Plossenweg 6
1st half of the 19th century (residential building) of importance in terms of urban development and architectural history 09265533
Residential house in open development, with extension as well as wall enclosure and outbuildings Plossenweg 8
around 1800 (residential building) Simple plastered building with segment arch portal, of importance in terms of urban development and architectural history, location on the Meissen-Nossen railway line that defines the townscape 09265531
"Waldschlösschen" inn
"Waldschlösschen" inn Wilsdruffer Straße 1
1894 (excursion restaurant) Excursion restaurant with a park-like garden (formerly called Stadtpark), a female statue in the park; Of local and architectural importance, a Wilhelminian style building with a striking tower and half-timbered upper floor 09266220
Villa with enclosure (access to the villa via the lamb steps) Wilsdruffer Strasse 4
Late 19th century (villa) From an urban and architectural perspective of importance, a Wilhelminian style building 09266219
Villa with enclosure (wall, archway, gate) and garden house (with coach house)
Villa with enclosure (wall, archway, gate) and garden house (with coach house) Wilsdruffer Straße 12
marked 1902 on the archway of the enclosure, in the core vie (villa) Of importance in terms of town planning and building history, a late Wilhelminian style building 09266100
Country house, studio and surrounding garden
Country house, studio and surrounding garden Wilsdruffer Straße 24
1900 (villa) Significant in terms of local history and building history, late founding villa, home of the academic painter Richard Blum 09265886
Dr.-Donner-Stift (formerly)
Dr.-Donner-Stift (formerly) Wilsdruffer Strasse 28
around 1870 (home) Country house / convalescent home (today a youth hostel) with courtyard paving and enclosure; Artistically, historically, locally and in terms of personal history of importance, striking buildings in the style of the early neo-Gothic 09266099
Katharinenhof Wilsdruffer Strasse 31
formerly marked 1808 (residential building) Residential house (former country residence of a wealthy person, later nursing home) with side building, gate system, enclosure wall and manor park; Significant in terms of local history, architectural history and garden design, a Wilhelminian style building with an older core 09266212
Plossenschänke: inn Wilsdruffer Strasse 35
marked 1801 (inn) of local importance 09266215

Former cultural monuments

image designation location Dating description ID
Gebhardt's wine bar
Gebhardt's wine bar Stadtparkhöhe 2
Former winery, later an excursion restaurant (Stadtparkhöhe), with all parts of the building including the coach house


Web links

Commons : Cultural monuments in Meißen-Plossen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files