List of Members of the Order of Canada / P

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This list provides an overview of all persons who have received the Member of the Order of Canada award.


  1. Elizabeth Pacey
  2. Bridglal Pachai
  3. Charles Lachter
  4. D. Mary Pack
  5. Marian Packham (2012)
  6. Lata Pada
  7. Brian Paisley
  8. Margaret Ruth Page
  9. Rodolphe Page
  10. Marnie Paikin
  11. Jocelyn Palm
  12. Robert Patrick Barten Paine
  13. Jean-Louis Ernest Pallascio-Morin
  14. Jocelyn Palm (2013)
  15. James Simpson Palmer
  16. Mercédes Palomino
  17. Freda L. Paltiel
  18. Sarah Weintraub Paltiel
  19. John H. Panabaker
  20. Mary Adamowska Panaro
  21. Norman S. Panzica
  22. Phrixos B. Papachristidis
  23. Gilles Paquet
  24. André Paquette
  25. Gilberte Paquette
  26. René Paquette
  27. Suzanne Paquette-Goyette
  28. Marie-Thérèse Paquin
  29. Jean Paré
  30. Simone Paré
  31. Navin M. Parekh
  32. Léonard Parent
  33. Pascal Parent
  34. William Philip Paris
  35. Jean Pariseau
  36. Philippe Pariseault
  37. Anselme Marie Parisotto
  38. Alton C. Parker
  39. F. Thomas Parker
  40. Patricia Parr
  41. Elizabeth Parr-Johnston
  42. William Bruce Parrish
  43. Richard Parsons
  44. David G. Partridge
  45. Arthur P. Pascal
  46. Ada Geneva Paschal
  47. Thomas Joseph Pashby
  48. Eugenia Pasternak
  49. Kimberly Godfather (2014)
  50. Yogesh C. Patel
  51. J.-Z. Léon Patenaude
  52. Constance V. Pathy (2013)
  53. Laurence G. Pathy
  54. John Patkau
  55. Patricia Patkau
  56. Gilles G. Patry
  57. Monica Patten (2013)
  58. Susan H. Patten
  59. Bonnie Marie Patterson
  60. Freeman Patterson
  61. Alexander Peter Pauk (2014)
  62. Daniel N. Paul
  63. Peter Lewis Paul
  64. Ross H. Paul
  65. Myfanwy Spencer Pavelic
  66. Geoffrey L. Pawson
  67. Alice V. Payne
  68. Julien D. Payne
  69. Trevor W. Payne
  70. Albert E. Peacock
  71. Kenneth H. Peacock
  72. (SA) Elizabeth Peacocke
  73. Charles Thomas Peacocke
  74. Charles Peaker
  75. Peter H. Pearse
  76. F. Griffith Pearson
  77. HJ Sanders Pearson
  78. Hugh E. Pearson
  79. William Burton Pearson
  80. David Kent Pecaut
  81. Watson Peck
  82. Assunta (Suzanne) Pedicelli
  83. Leona D. Pedosuk
  84. Juri Peepre (2013)
  85. Marilyn Ruth Peers
  86. Reynold Pehkonen
  87. Juergen E. Peill
  88. Pierre Péladeau
  89. John (Jack) Pelech
  90. Jeannine Pelland
  91. Donald Wills bum
  92. Frederick RC bum
  93. Roland Penner
  94. Chesley Daniel Penney
  95. Donald H. Penny
  96. J. Norgrove Penny
  97. Louise Penny (2013)
  98. Gordon William Gavin Penrose
  99. Barbara L. Pentland
  100. N. Jane Pepino
  101. Evelyn Agnes Pepper
  102. Karen Lynne Percy-Lowe
  103. William W. Perehudoff
  104. Gordon W. Perkin
  105. Kenneth J. Perkins
  106. Marilyn Perkins
  107. John Crosbie Perlin
  108. John R. (Jack) Perraton
  109. Alice Perrault
  110. Arthur Perrault
  111. Charles Perrault
  112. Lilianne Perrault
  113. Claire Perreault
  114. Gaston J. Perreault
  115. Michel Perron
  116. Clayton O. Person
  117. Aaju Peter (2011)
  118. John Raymond Peters
  119. Lazar Peters
  120. Holger Martin Petersen
  121. Eric Peterson
  122. Leslie Raymond Peterson
  123. Claude Petit
  124. Chantal Petitclerc
  125. George S. Petty
  126. Ross E. Petty
  127. Irene E. Pfeiffer
  128. Margot Phaneuf
  129. Michel Phaneuf (2014)
  130. Helen D. Phelan
  131. Paul J. Phelan
  132. Anthony Phillips (2015)
  133. Bruce Phillips
  134. David W. Phillips
  135. Robert AJ Phillips
  136. Robert HD Phillips
  137. Roy A. Phillips
  138. Owen Bartley Philp
  139. Welland W. Phipps
  140. Adiuto John Pianosi
  141. Jean-Henri Picard
  142. Marie Thérèse Béatrice Picard
  143. Monique Picard
  144. Françoise Picard-Jobin
  145. François Pichard
  146. Alphonse Piché
  147. Edward A. Pickering
  148. Hugh Frank Digby Pickett
  149. Robert L. Pierce
  150. Samuel Pierre (2011)
  151. Desmond W. Piers
  152. Robert Sheffield pilot
  153. Herbert Charles Pinder
  154. Grace Davis Pine
  155. Suzanne E. Pinel
  156. Edith B. Pinet
  157. Alexander Clyde Pinkerton
  158. Roland A. Pinsonneault
  159. Lorraine Pintal
  160. Andrew L. Pipe
  161. James Bruce Pitblado
  162. Monique Plamondon
  163. Tania Plaw
  164. Ivan Barry Pless
  165. Jean Pochat-Cotilloux
  166. Maurice Podbrey
  167. Walter Podiluk
  168. Elizabeth Macdonald Podnieks
  169. André Poilièvre
  170. Bernard Poirier
  171. Raymond Poirier
  172. Charles-Albert Poissant
  173. Gilles Poissant
  174. Jean-Claude Poitras
  175. Lawrence A. Poitras
  176. Kari Polanyi Levitt (2014)
  177. Daniel Poliquin
  178. Isidore C. Pollack
  179. Douglas Pollard
  180. Leonidas Polymenakos
  181. Léa Pool (2013)
  182. Cyril Francis Poole
  183. Nancy Geddes Poole
  184. H. Hall Popham
  185. Shana Poplack (2014)
  186. George Porteous
  187. Timothy Porteous
  188. Gordon L. Porter
  189. Ross Porter (2013)
  190. Jean E. Portugal
  191. Shirley Post
  192. Sandra Post-McDermid
  193. Benedict Pothier
  194. Beryl Potter
  195. J. Lyman Potts
  196. Gilles Potvin
  197. Pierre Potvin
  198. Michel Pouliot
  199. Martha Jane Poulson
  200. Benjamin Windsor Powell
  201. Marion G. Powell
  202. Victor M. Power
  203. Annie Powers
  204. Kenneth Poyser
  205. Mark J. Poznansky
  206. Edward Courtney Pratt
  207. David S. Precious
  208. Stanley Preece
  209. Alison Prentice (2013)
  210. Derek A. Price
  211. Edward Anthony Price
  212. Roland Priddle
  213. John N. Primrose
  214. Valerie Pringle
  215. Rosalind Prober
  216. Carol Dorothy Proctor
  217. Louis Pronovost
  218. Guylène Proulx
  219. Maurice Proulx
  220. Walter Prystawski
  221. Bruce Pullan
  222. Terrence Punch
  223. Uriash Puqiqnak
  224. Henry Purdy