List of the members of the estates of the kingdoms of Galicia and Lodomeria, 1845

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This list names the members of the estates of the kingdoms of Galicia and Lodomeria in 1845.

Note: These members of the state estates were members there by virtue of their office or origin. Inclusion on this list does not imply that they were present at state parliaments, but only describes their right to appear at state parliaments. Since there was no meeting of the estates after 1845, this is in fact the last list of the members of the estates. The spelling of the names is taken from the Provinzial-Handbuch. The first names are often Germanized and do not reflect the Polish or Ukrainian spelling.

was standing group member annotation
Clergy Archbishops and Bishops Michael Lewicki gr. lt. Metropolitan of Galicia Archbishop of Galicia, Archbishop of Lemberg and Bishop of Kamieniec
Clergy Archbishops and Bishops Samuel Stefanowicz Armenian Archbishop of Lviv
Clergy Archbishops and Bishops Johann Snigurski gr. k. Bishop of Przemyśl, Sambor and Sannok
Clergy Archbishops and Bishops Franz Xaver by Zachariasiewicz lat. Bishop of Przemyśl
Clergy Archbishops and Bishops Joseph Woytarowicz lat. Bishop of Tarnow
Clergy Archbishops and Bishops Eugen Hackmann Diocesan Bishop of the Diocese of Bukovina and Dalmatia
Clergy Deputy of the Lviv Latin cathedral chapter Cajetan Zmigrodzki Cathedral scholast
Clergy Deputy of the Lviv Latin cathedral chapter Lucas Baraniecki canon
Clergy Deputy of the Przemyśler Latin cathedral chapter Stanislaus Czaykowski canon
Clergy Deputy of the Tarnow Latin cathedral chapter Michael Król canon
Clergy Deputy of the Lemberg Cathedral Chapter Johann Bocheński Cathedral dean
Clergy Deputy of the Przemyśler gr. Lat. Cathedral chapter Theodor Łukaszweski canon
Clergy Deputy of the Lviv Armenian Cathedral Chapter Nicolaus Jakubowicz Provost
University Rector 0 Dr. med. Claus Straúsky kk Gubernialrat and Landes-Protomedikus
Men's booth Princes Carl Jablonowski kk chamberlain
Men's booth Princes Ludwig Jablonowski kk chamberlain
Men's booth Princes Gorg Lubomierski
Men's booth Princes Heinrich Lubomierski
Men's booth Princes Calixt Ponieński
Men's booth Princes Vladislaus Sanguszko
Men's booth Princes Leon Sapieha
0 Count Adam Baworowski
0 Count Michael Baworowski kk chamberlain
0 Count Adam Bakowski
0 Count Ferdinand Bakowski
0 Count Johann Nepomuk Bakowski
0 Count Alexander Cetner
0 Count Anton Dembiński
0 Count Eustach Dembiński
0 Count Severin Drohojowski
0 Count Franz von Dunin-Borkowski
0 Count Heinrich von Dunin-Borkowski
0 Count Stanislaus von Dunin-Borkowski
0 Count Titus von Dunin-Borkowski
0 Count Ludwig Dzieduszycki kk chamberlain
0 Count Alexander Fredo
0 Count Heinrich Fredo
0 Count Severin Fredo
0 Count Johann Golejowski
0 Count Agenor Goluchowski
0 Count Anton Humnicki
0 Count Franz Humnicki
0 Count Nikolau Humnicki
0 Count Ludwig Jablonowski
0 Count Cyprian Komorowski kk chamberlain
0 Count Ignatz Alexius Komorowski
0 Count Ignatz Konarski
0 Count Joseph Konarski
0 Count Vincenz Konarski
0 Count Alexander Krasiki
0 Count Edmund Krasiki
0 Count Carl Krasiki
0 Count Casimir Krasiki Director of the Galician Estates Credit Authority
0 Count Leopold Krasinski kk chamberlain
0 Count Peter Krasiński
0 Count Vincenz Krosnowski
0 Count Casimir Kuczkowski
0 Count Carl Lanckoroński
0 Count Casimir Lanckoroński kk chamberlain
0 Count Cajetan Lewicki
0 Count Thasddäus Łoś
0 Count Carl Łcś
0 Count Matthew Miączyński
0 Count Felix Mier
0 Count Stanislaus Mniszek
0 Count Franz Moszyński
0 Count Joseph Piniúski
0 Count Alfred Potocki
0 Count Dominik Rey
0 Count Cyprian Romer
0 Count Vladislaus Rozwadowski
0 Count Adam Siekierzyński
0 Count Constantin Siemieński
0 Count Stanislaus Skarbek
0 Count Alexander Stadnicki
0 Count Alexander Stanislaus Stadnicki
0 Count Eduard Stadnicki kk chamberlain
0 Count Felician Stadnicki
0 Count Franz Xaver Stadnicki
0 Count Johann Stadnicki
0 Count Casimir Stadnicki
0 Count Vladislaus Stadnicki
0 Count Adalbert Starzeński
0 Count Adam Starzeński
0 Count Joseph Starzeński
0 Count Casimir Starzeński
0 Count Leopold Starzeński
0 Count Franz Wiesiolowski
0 Count Xaver Wiesiolowski
0 Count Joseph Zabielski kk chamberlain
0 Count Joseph Zaluski
0 Count Martin Zamoyski
0 Count Prosper Zborowski
0 Count Severin Zborowski
0 Count Veit Zeleński kk chamberlain
0 Barons Victor Blazowski
0 Barons Cajetan Borowski
0 Barons Hieronimus Borowski
0 Barons Adalbert Czechowicz
0 Barons Johann Rudolph Heydel
0 Barons Cajetan Karnicki kk chamberlain
0 Barons Roman Karnicki
0 Barons Johann Nepomuck Konopka
0 Barons Prosper Napoleon Konopka
0 Barons Johann Mustatzza
Knight booth 0 Felix Augustynowicz
Knight booth 0 Adalbert Bachmiński
Knight booth 0 Michael Baczyński State advocate
Knight booth 0 Casimir Badeni
Knight booth 0 Vladislaus Badeni kk district commissioner
Knight booth 0 Alexander Batowski
Knight booth 0 Anton Batowski
Knight booth 0 Johann Nepomuk Betran de Domballe
Knight booth 0 Stanislaus Bialobrzeski kk Appellate Council
Knight booth 0 Stanislaus Bochdan
Knight booth 0 Felix Bogucki
Knight booth 0 Alois Borkowski
Knight booth 0 Vladimir Borkovsky
Knight booth 0 Erasmus Bromirski
Knight booth 0 Theodor Broniewski
Knight booth 0 Alexander Brześciaúski de Rybotycze
Knight booth 0 Ignatz Brześciaúski de Rybotycze
Knight booth 0 Johann Severin Brzozowski
Knight booth 0 Casimir Bzowski
Knight booth 0 Felix Chlibkiewicz de Rutkowski
Knight booth 0 Johann Chojecki
Knight booth 0 Maximilian Chojecki
Knight booth 0 Johann Nepomuk Christiani-Grabieński State advocate
Knight booth 0 Theodor Christiani-Grabieński
Knight booth 0 Johann Chwalibóg
Knight booth 0 Ferdinand Zaremba Cielecki
Knight booth 0 Leopold Cielecki
Knight booth 0 Apolinar Cieński
Knight booth 0 Udalrik Cieński
Knight booth 0 Adam Cybulski State advocate and syndic of the Galician corporate credit institution
Knight booth 0 Franz Cywiński
Knight booth 0 Zeno Joseph Cywiński
Knight booth 0 Cyrill Czaykowski
Knight booth 0 Hippolyt Czaykowski
Knight booth 0 Xaver Czermiński
Knight booth 0 Johann Czermiński
Knight booth 0 Jacob Czosnowski
Knight booth 0 Dominik Dabski
Knight booth 0 Anton Deyma
Knight booth 0 Franz Dobrzyński
Knight booth 0 Michael Domaradzki
Knight booth 0 Johann Maximilian Drohojewski
Knight booth 0 Ludwig Drohojewski
Knight booth 0 Joachim Drzewiecki
Knight booth 0 Eduard Dulski
Knight booth 0 Eduard Duniewicz
Knight booth 0 Vincenz Dwernicki
Knight booth 0 Augustin Dzierzanowski
Knight booth 0 Michael Garapich de Sichelburg
Knight booth 0 Ludwig Glogowski
Knight booth 0 Edmund Glowacki
Knight booth 0 Alexander Isidor Gniewosz
Knight booth 0 Jacob Golaszewski kk district administrator
Knight booth 0 Joseph Gorayski
Knight booth 0 Thomas Górski
Knight booth 0 Stanislaus Grodzicki
Knight booth 0 Leonhard Gurski
Knight booth 0 Peter Gwozdecki
Knight booth 0 Anton Felix Horodyski
Knight booth 0 Dionysius Horodyski
Knight booth 0 Johann Jablonowski
Knight booth 0 Bonifaz Janiszewski
Knight booth 0 Anton Jarunowski
Knight booth 0 Johann Jarunowski
Knight booth 0 Joseph Jasiński
Knight booth 0 Johann Jordan
Knight booth 0 Paul Kieszkowski
Knight booth 0 Stanislaus Kieszkowski
Knight booth 0 Adam Kochanowski
Knight booth 0 Stanislaus Konopka
Knight booth 0 Joseph Stanislaus Korytko
Knight booth 0 Erasmus Korytowski
Knight booth 0 Carl Korytowski
Knight booth 0 Joseph Kotarski
Knight booth 0 Carl Kotarski
Knight booth 0 Joseph Kownacki
Knight booth 0 Anastasius Kozlowski
Knight booth 0 Eugen Kraiński
Knight booth 0 Moritz Kraiński
Knight booth 0 Anton Kriegshaber
Knight booth 0 Franz Kronauge de Kronwald kk Hofrat
Knight booth 0 Felician Laskowski
Knight booth 0 Vincenz Laskowski
Knight booth 0 Joseph Lewicki
Knight booth 0 Joseph Lewicki
Knight booth 0 Felix Kownacki
Knight booth 0 Alois Lipski
Knight booth 0 Caspar Lissowiecki
Knight booth 0 Carl Łapińskii
Knight booth 0 Hieronymus Łodyński
Knight booth 0 Nicolaus Łoś
Knight booth 0 Julius Malczewski
Knight booth 0 Stanislaus Malczewski
Knight booth 0 Cajetan Malecki
Knight booth 0 Bartholomew Maluja
Knight booth 0 Joseph Matkowski
Knight booth 0 Julius Matkowski
Knight booth 0 Vincenz Mazaraki
Knight booth 0 Michael Medyński
Knight booth 0 Vincenz Męciński
Knight booth 0 Valentin Mioduszewski
Knight booth 0 Johann Mlotkowski
Knight booth 0 Heinrich Mlyński
Knight booth 0 Anton Myslowski
Knight booth 0 Franz Myslowski
Knight booth 0 Anton Najujowski
Knight booth 0 Franz Niezabitowski
Knight booth 0 Antimius Nikorowicz
Knight booth 0 Ignatz Nikorowicz
Knight booth 0 Gabriel Nowakowski
Knight booth 0 Felix Obertyński
Knight booth 0 Marian Obertyński
Knight booth 0 Leopold Obertyński
Knight booth 0 Wenceslaus Obertyński
Knight booth 0 Anton Ochocki
Knight booth 0 Xaver Oczosalski
Knight booth 0 Tiburtius Olszewski
Knight booth 0 Joseph Orlowski
Knight booth 0 Nicephor Osiecki
Knight booth 0 Casimir Ostaszewski
Knight booth 0 Joseph Ostaszewski
Knight booth 0 Theophil Ostaszewski
Knight booth 0 Joseph Padlewski Skorupka
Knight booth 0 Valentin Paliszewski
Knight booth 0 Gwalbert Pawlikowski
Knight booth 0 Constantin Pawlikowski
Knight booth 0 Stanislaus Pieninzek
Knight booth 0 Meliton Pieńczykowski
Knight booth 0 Anton Pietruski
Knight booth 0 Johann Pietruski
Knight booth 0 Isidor Pietruski
Knight booth 0 Theophil Pietruski
Knight booth 0 Joseph Benedict Pilchowski
Knight booth 0 Nicolaus Podlewski
Knight booth 0 Leopold Poelt de Poeltenberg
Knight booth 0 Felix Pohorecki
Knight booth 0 Mathias Pokutyński
Knight booth 0 Alexander Polanowski
Knight booth 0 Jacob Politalski
Knight booth 0 Michael Popiel kk Appellate Council
Knight booth 0 Anton Pruszyński
Knight booth 0 Nicolaus Przedrzymirski
Knight booth 0 Eduard Raciborski
Knight booth 0 Napoleon Raciborski
Knight booth 0 Michael Radziejowski
Knight booth 0 Paul Rodakowski State advocate
Knight booth 0 Johann Rodkiewicz
Knight booth 0 Felix Rojowski
Knight booth 0 Peter Romaszkan
Knight booth 0 Adalbert Rosnowski
Knight booth 0 Franz Xaver Rosnowski
Knight booth 0 Vincenz Rosnowski
Knight booth 0 Moriz Rubczyński
Knight booth 0 Johann Rucki
Knight booth 0 Bronislaus Rudnicki
Knight booth 0 Clemens Rudnicki
Knight booth 0 Emil Rylski
Knight booth 0 Franz Rylski
Knight booth 0 Leo Rylski
Knight booth 0 Scibor Anton Rylski
Knight booth 0 Ignatz Sabatowski
Knight booth 0 Anastasius Siemoński
Knight booth 0 Joseph Erasmus Sikorski
Knight booth 0 Fortunat Skarzyński
Knight booth 0 Erasmus Skrzyński
Knight booth 0 Ludwig Skrzyński
Knight booth 0 Squidward Skrzynski
Knight booth 0 Vincent Skrzyński
Knight booth 0 Vladislaus Skrzyński
Knight booth 0 Nicodem Smarzewski
Knight booth 0 Martin Smarzewski
Knight booth 0 Johann Anaclet Spaventi
Knight booth 0 Stanislaus Starowiejski kk district commissioner
Knight booth 0 Adam Anton Strachocki
Knight booth 0 Joseph Straszewski
Knight booth 0 Stanislaus Straszewski
Knight booth 0 Thomas Strzembosz
Knight booth 0 Ludwig Swiezawski
Knight booth 0 Casimir Szeliski
Knight booth 0 Miocislaus Szeliski
Knight booth 0 Johann Cantius Szembek
Knight booth 0 Andreas Szeptycki
Knight booth 0 Joseph Gabriel Szeptycki
Knight booth 0 Joseph Heinrich Szeptycki
Knight booth 0 Martin Anton Szeptycki
Knight booth 0 Peter Szeptycki
Knight booth 0 Andreas Szumlański
Knight booth 0 Ignatz Szumlański
Knight booth 0 Nicolaus Szumlański
Knight booth 0 Onuphrius Szumlański
Knight booth 0 Marcell Tarnowiecki State advocate
Knight booth 0 Boguslaus Tchorznicki
Knight booth 0 Alexander treads
Knight booth 0 Franz Truskolaski
Knight booth 0 Johann Truskolaski
Knight booth 0 Maximilian Trzciński
Knight booth 0 Franz Trzciński
Knight booth 0 Joseph Trzciński
Knight booth 0 Squidward Turkul
Knight booth 0 Michael Tustanowski State advocate
Knight booth 0 Martin Urbański
Knight booth 0 Rudolph Urbański
Knight booth 0 Severin Uruski
Knight booth 0 Valerian Ustrzycki
Knight booth 0 Thomas Uzański
Knight booth 0 Squidward Wasilewski
Knight booth 0 Julian Joseph Wierzbicki
Knight booth 0 Ludwig Wiktor
Knight booth 0 Thomas Wiktor
Knight booth 0 Carl Witwicki
Knight booth 0 Ignatz Wlodek
Knight booth 0 Franz Wolański
Knight booth 0 Johann Woyczyński
Knight booth 0 Dr. jur. Hieronymus Wyslobocki Director of the Galician Estates Creditanstalt
Knight booth 0 Ignatz Wyszyński
Knight booth 0 Eduard Zaklika
Knight booth 0 Ignatz Zakrzewski kk Kriminalrat
Knight booth 0 Wenceslaus Zaleski
Knight booth 0 Anton Zaleski
Knight booth 0 Franz Zaremba
Knight booth 0 Casimir Zarski
Knight booth 0 Eugen Robert Zawadzki Swatopelk
Knight booth 0 Johann Zawadzki Swatopelk
Knight booth 0 Joseph Zawadzki Swatopelk
Knight booth 0 Alexander Zdzieński
Knight booth 0 Squidward Zebrowski
Knight booth 0 Joseph Quirin Zurakowski
Cities Deputy of the royal capital Lviv Emil Gerard von Festenburg imperial council and mayor
Cities Deputy of the royal capital Lviv Franz Kratky imperial council and vice-mayor
  • Provincial Manual of the Kingdoms of Galicia and Lodomeria 1845, pp. 191 ff., Online