List of natural monuments in Vienna / Döbling

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The list of natural monuments in Vienna / Döbling lists all objects designated as natural monuments in the 19th Viennese district of Döbling .

Natural monuments

photo   Surname ID Location description

surface date
0BW Upload file Service tree ( Sorbus domestica ) 0077th Vienna , Muckentalerweg
1several groups of trees Upload file several groups of trees 01212 Vienna , Cobenzl
There are several groups of trees and a sweet chestnut tree. December 24, 1936
1Sequoia tree (Sequoiadendron giganteum)
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Sequoia tree ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) 01313 Vienna , Geweygasse 1a
1Winter linden (Tilia cordata) Upload file Winter linden ( Tilia cordata ) 01414th Vienna , Grinzinger Allee 43
1Yew tree (Taxus baccata)
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Yew tree ( Taxus baccata ) 01616 Vienna , Grinzinger Allee 45
0BW Upload file Bisexual yew ( Taxus baccata ) 02929 Vienna , Cobenzlgasse 2
1several groups of pines
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several groups of pines 05050 Vienna , Krapfenwaldlbad
The trees were placed under protection, especially because of their crown formation. This location was originally the northernmost occurrence of these trees in Central Europe. 11/10/1937
1Yew tree (Taxus baccata)
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Yew tree ( Taxus baccata ) 05555 Vienna , Hohe Warte 31
A mulberry tree ( Morus alba ) is also protected together with the yew tree . 01/01/2000
1Hazel tree (Corylus colurna), yew (Taxus baccata)
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Hazel tree ( Corylus colurna ), yew ( Taxus baccata ) 06868 Vienna , Straßergasse 39
0BW Upload file Summer linden ( Tilia platyphyllos ), yew ( Taxus baccata ) 06969 Vienna , Rudolfinergasse 12
The two trees were placed under protection because of their peculiarity and rarity. 05/28/1938
1Summer linden (Tilia platyphyllos), English oak (Quercus robur)
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Summer linden ( Tilia platyphyllos ), English oak ( Quercus robur ) 08080 Vienna , Himmelstrasse 25
As can be seen from old documents, the linden tree was planted in 1719 on the occasion of a consecration of the bell and the oak was transplanted here from the surrounding vineyards around 1890. 09/03/1938
1Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) Upload file Sycamore maple ( Acer pseudoplatanus ) 09595 Vienna , Cobenzlgasse 32
0BW Upload file 2 weeping ash trees ( Fraxinus excelsior "Pendula" ) 211211 Vienna , Sieveringer Straße 255,
1Yew tree (Taxus baccata)
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Yew tree ( Taxus baccata ) 213213 Vienna , Straßergasse 8–12
11 Nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana)
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1 Nordmann fir ( Abies nordmanniana ) 214214 Vienna , Straßergasse 8–12
1Sequoia tree (Sequoiadendron giganteum)
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Sequoia tree ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) 215215 Vienna , Straßergasse 8–12
1Broken willow (Salix fragilis)
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Broken willow ( Salix fragilis ) 219219 Vienna , Grinzinger Steig / Wildgrubgasse
0BW Upload file Pyramid poplar ( Populus nigra "Italica" ) 267267 Vienna , Beethovengang
1Oriental arborvitae (Thuja orientalis)
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Oriental arborvitae ( Thuja orientalis ) 297297 Vienna , Himmelstrasse 25
1Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani)
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Cedar of Lebanon ( Cedrus libani ) 323323 Vienna , Armbrustergasse 15
1Summer linden (Tilia platyphyllos)
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Summer linden ( Tilia platyphyllos ) 336336 Vienna , Döblinger Hauptstr. 92
12 black pines (Pinus nigra)
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2 black pines ( Pinus nigra ) 362362 Vienna , Sieveringer Straße / Kartäuserstraße
1Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
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Horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) 363363 Vienna , Hohe Warte 70
0BW Upload file Yew tree ( Taxus baccata ) 364364 Vienna , Himmelstrasse 17
1Plane tree (platanus)
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Plane tree ( platanus ) 365365 Vienna , Guneschgasse 4
1Sessile oak (Quercus petraea)
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Sessile oak ( Quercus petraea ) 370370 Vienna , Billrothstraße 59
1Gleditschia (Gleditsia triacanthos) Upload file Gleditschia ( Gleditsia triacanthos ) 407407 Vienna , Krottenbachstrasse, near Obersteinergasse
1Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus)
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Sycamore maple ( Acer pseudoplatanus ) 410410 Vienna , Dollinergasse 5
The tree has a chest height circumference of 160 cm and a height of 14 m. It is one of the oldest and most powerful maples in the area. 07/12/1954
1Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani)
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Cedar of Lebanon ( Cedrus libani ) 413413 Vienna , Silbergasse 4
The tree has a chest height of 1.50 m and a height of about 10 m with a beautifully developed crown. The tree is very rare in Vienna, as almost all cedars froze to death during the harsh winter of 1928/29. 09/10/1954
0BW Upload file Japanese sickle fir ( Cryptomeria japonica ) 420420 Vienna , Kahlenberger Straße 55
1Geological outcrop Upload file Geological outcrop 439439 Vienna , Eichelhofstrasse
Here the beach formations of the young Badener Meer can be seen particularly well. They are around 15 million years old and show the different levels of the former sea level. The beach formations consist of pebbles, Leitha limestone and flysch rocks. This was covered by loess, in which, in addition to bones and snail shells, there is also what is known as the loess clump , calcium deposits in inclusions. 11/30/1955
0BW Upload file Orchid location 451451 Vienna , next “Iron Hand”
This is a rare location for various native orchid plants. It is the bumblebee rangefoot and the strap tongue, which occur in considerable stocks and sprout inflorescences every year. 04/16/1956
1Oriental plane tree (Platanus orientalis)
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Oriental plane tree ( Platanus orientalis ) 457457 Vienna , Döblinger Hauptstrasse 87–93
The plane tree is one of the mightiest in Vienna. It has a trunk circumference of 5.1 m, is about 26 m high and has a crown diameter of a good 25 m. 07/09/1956
1English oak (Quercus robur)
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English oak ( Quercus robur ) 458458 Vienna , Währinger Park
The tree has a trunk circumference of 2.9 m, a height of 16 m, and a crown diameter of 12 m. 07/09/1956
0BW Upload file White pine ( Pinus sylvestris ) 471471 Vienna , Sulzweg 11
The tree shapes the landscape with its shape and size and is a wonderful sight from the Dreimarkstein . December 29, 1958
0BW Upload file Horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) 472472 Vienna , Sieveringer Strasse 128,
The tree contributes significantly to the appearance of Sievering. 03/10/1969
1Plane tree (Platanus x hybrida), pyramid poplar (Populus nigra "Italica")
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Plane tree ( Platanus x hybrida ), pyramid poplar ( Populus nigra "Italica" ) 473473 Vienna , Traklgasse, in front of No. 11 and 13
The approximately 18 m high tree characterizes the appearance of Traklgasse. 03/18/1969
0BW Upload file Ash ( Fraxinus excelsior ) 476476 Vienna , Reithlegasse 6
It is a nicely grown specimen with a tall, straight trunk and a large crown. 06/11/1969
0BW Upload file Ash ( Fraxinus excelsior ) 481481 Vienna , Sieveringer Straße 81
The tree was placed under protection because of its shape and size. December 29, 1958
1Norway maple (Acer platanoides)
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Norway maple ( Acer platanoides ) 501501 Vienna , Sieveringer Straße 77,
The tree was placed under protection because of the character it gives the landscape through its shape, growth and size. December 29, 1958
1Ash (Fraxinus excelsior)
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Ash ( Fraxinus excelsior ) 505505 Vienna , Döblinger Hauptstr. 60
The ash is about 200 years old and about 21 m high. 09/08/1959
1Winter linden (Tilia cordata)
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Winter linden ( Tilia cordata ) 507507 Vienna , Fröschelgasse 12
The tree was placed under protection because of its shape, size and growth. 10/06/1959
0BW Upload file 2 yew trees ( Taxus baccata ) 513513 Vienna , Cobenzlgasse 45
The trees have been placed under protection because of their age, shape, size and rarity. December 10, 1959
0BW Upload file Horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) 523523 Vienna , Grinzinger Straße 19
The tree was placed under protection because of its age, shape and growth. 01/31/1961
0BW Upload file 3 linden ( Tilia ), Norway maple ( Acer platanoides ), Sycamore maple ( Acer pseudoplatanus ) 533533 Vienna , Dollinergasse 5
The group of trees consists of approximately 150-year-old specimens that are on average 16-20 m high. 11/18/1970
0BW Upload file 3 black pine ( Pinus nigra ) 534534 Vienna , Hackenbergweg 45 / Parzelle 2
The trees were placed under protection because of their effect on the townscape. 11/18/1970
0BW Upload file Sequoia tree ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) 542542 Vienna , Khevenhüllerstraße 18A
The tree is approx. 18 m high and belongs to a species not native to Austria. 11/18/1970
0BW Upload file Sequoia tree ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) 546546 Vienna , Medlergasse 4
The tree is around 120 years old and belongs to a species not native to Austria. 04/28/1972
0BW Upload file Copper beech ( Fagus sylvatica "Atropunicea" ) 547547 Vienna , Dollinergasse 8
The tree is almost 150 years old and has a trunk diameter of 65 cm at a height of 1 m. 09/14/1972
0BW Upload file Plane tree ( Platanus x hybrida ) 560560 Vienna , Traklgasse 9
The tree has a trunk circumference of 2.23 m at a height of one meter. 04/13/1973
0BW Upload file Ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba) 574574 Vienna , Kreindlgasse 24
The trunk circumference of the tree is 2.90 m at a height of one meter above the ground 10/30/1973
0BW Upload file Oriental plane tree ( Platanus orientalis ) 582582 Vienna , Grinzinger Strasse 72
The tree is almost 180 years old, its trunk circumference is 2.22 m. 03/28/1974
0BW Upload file Red pine ( Pinus sylvestris ) 584584 Vienna , Grinzinger Strasse 72
The red pine is a tree about 13 m high, almost 180 years old and with a trunk circumference of 1.90 m. 03/28/1974
0BW Upload file 3 black pines ( Pinus nigra ) 585585 Vienna , Grinzinger Strasse 72
The trees have a trunk circumference of 1.8 m, 1.08 m and 1.5 m, an age of approx. 130 years can be assumed. 03/28/1974
0BW Upload file 5 black pines ( Pinus nigra ) 586586 Vienna , Grinzinger Strasse 72
The trees have a trunk circumference of up to 1.3 m and are around 100 years old. 03/28/1974
1Tree hazel (Corylus colurna)
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Tree hazel ( Corylus colurna ) 589589 Vienna , Kreindlgasse 9
The tree was placed under protection in Central Europe because of the rarity of its species. 06/28/1974
1Winter linden (Tilia cordata)
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Winter linden ( Tilia cordata ) 593593 Vienna , Grinzinger Straße 18
The tree has a trunk circumference of 2.9 m at a height of one meter. Through its crown formation, it shapes the townscape. 06/28/1974
0BW Upload file Sequoia tree ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) 595595 Vienna , Heiligenstädterstr.
331 Location
The tree is around 140 years old, over 25 meters high and has a trunk circumference of 166 cm. 07/09/1974
0BW Upload file Winter linden ( Tilia cordata ) 596596 Vienna , Heiligenstädterstr. 331
0BW Upload file 6 plane trees ( Platanus x hybrida ) 601601 Vienna , Grinzinger Strasse 48
The plane trees with a trunk circumference of up to 220 cm characterize the landscape as an ensemble. 11/12/1974
12 plane trees (Platanus x hybrida)
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2 plane trees (Platanus x hybrida) 602602 Vienna , Grinzinger Strasse 48
The two plane trees with a circumference of 220 and 190 cm, respectively, have a particular impact on the townscape thanks to their beautiful growth shape. December 18, 1974
1Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), summer linden (Tilia platyphyllos), plane tree (Platanus)
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Sycamore maple ( Acer pseudoplatanus ), summer linden ( Tilia platyphyllos ), plane tree ( Platanus ) 620620 Vienna , Döblinger Hauptstr. 87–93
1Copper beech (Fagus sylvatica "Atropunicea")
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Copper beech ( Fagus sylvatica "Atropunicea" ) 638638 Vienna , Ruthgasse 19
The tree was placed under protection for the Krottenbachtal because of its size, growth shape and effect. 07/07/1976
14 summer linden (Tilia platyphyllos), horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Upload file 4 summer linden ( Tilia platyphyllos ), horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) 640640 Vienna , Gspöttgraben 1
The trees shape the appearance of the urban-influenced edge of the Vienna Woods in Sievering . October 18, 1976
0BW Upload file 10 False cypress trees ( Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ), common beech ( Fagus sylvatica ), black pine ( Pinus nigra ), black walnut ( Juglans nigra ) 655655 Vienna , Himmelstrasse 30–32
The trees were placed under protection because of their effect on the landscape. 05/04/1977
1Plane tree (Platanus x hybrida)
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Plane tree ( Platanus x hybrida ) 665665 Vienna , Nusswaldgasse 20–22
The plane tree was placed under protection as a rare large specimen. 05/12/1978
1English oak (Quercus robur)
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English oak ( Quercus robur ) 671671 Vienna , Straßergasse 2
The tree was placed under protection because of its size, crown formation and its quality as a historical remnant of the Grinzing townscape. 05/02/1979
0BW Upload file English oak ( Quercus robur ) 677677 Vienna , Springsiedelgasse 30
The oak was placed under protection because of its height (almost 30 m) and stately. 09/27/1979
0BW Upload file Ginkgo tree ( Ginkgo biloba ) 691691 Vienna , Rudolfinergasse 18
0BW Upload file Summer linden ( Tilia platyphyllos ) 693693 Vienna , Nottebohmstraße 40
The tree has a height of approx. 20 m and a crown width of approx. 10 m. December 01, 1980
0BW Upload file 3 horse chestnuts ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) 706706 Vienna , Neustift am Walde 87
The trees with trunk circumferences of 2.6, 2.3 and 2.1 m at a height of about 15 m are important for the appearance of Neustift am Walde . 07/20/1983
0BW Upload file 4 Douglas firs ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ), 3 oriental spruces ( Picea orientalis ), European larch ( Larix decidua ), black pine ( Pinus nigra ) 711711 Vienna , Keylwerthgasse 15
The group of trees was placed under protection because of the rarity of their individuals and the charming ensemble effect that results from it. 05/10/1984
1Serbian spruce (Picea omorika)
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Serbian spruce ( Picea omorika ) 728728 Vienna , Peter Jordan-Strasse 60 / Gregor Mendel-Strasse 35
With its columnar habit, the spruce dominates the entire intersection area. 10/28/1987
0BW Upload file Summer linden ( Tilia platyphyllos ) 735735 Vienna , Schreiberweg 114
The tree has a trunk circumference of 400 cm, an estimated height of 20 m, a crown diameter of 20 m and an age of almost 130 years. 05.10.1988
1Almond tree (Amygdalus communis)
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Almond tree ( Amygdalus communis ) 747747 Vienna , Hackenberggasse opposite 54
The tree has a trunk circumference of 140 cm and a height of approx. 6 m. This is due to the southern slope, especially since the species otherwise only grows as a shrub in Central Europe. 01/17/1991
0BW Upload file Black pine ( Pinus nigra ssp.nigra ) 754754 Vienna , Glanzinggasse 35–39
The tree has the typical shape of a free-standing black pine. 01/26/1993
0BW Upload file 4 black pines ( Pinus nigra ), larch ( Larix decidua ) 760760 Vienna , Sieveringer Str. 199–201
The trees have been placed under protection because of their rarity and the special character they give to the landscape. 01/10/1995
1Geological outcrop "Sieveringen quarries" Upload file Geological outcrop "Sieveringen quarries" 768768 Vienna , Sieveringer Straße / Gspöttgraben
1Geological outcrop "beach formation / flysch"
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Geological outcrop "beach formation / flysch" 769769 Vienna , Kahlenbergerstraße next No. 132
Here the Leitha limestone of the Vienna Basin merges into the sandstone of the flysch zone . 08/25/1997
1Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas)
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Cornelian cherry ( Cornus mas ) 773773 Vienna , Sieveringer Str. 58
The Cornelian cherry is rare in Vienna, and this specimen is over a hundred years old and taller than most other forms. 01/26/1999
0BW Upload file Sweet chestnut ( Castanea sativa ) 812812 Vienna , Schreiberweg 93
The tree was placed under protection due to its beautiful crown formation. 02/12/2009
1Copper beech (Fagus sylvatica purpurea)
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Copper beech ( Fagus sylvatica purpurea ) 826826 Vienna , Wertheimsteinpark
The tree has a trunk circumference of 3.40 m (measured at a height of 1 m from the ground), a crown diameter of approx. 16 m and the age can be estimated at around 100 years. The copper beech is characterized by its magnificent free-standing crown and its vitality. 02/08/2012
1Tree hazel (Corylus colurna)
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Tree hazel ( Corylus colurna ) 827827 Vienna , Wertheimsteinpark
The tree has a trunk circumference of 3.50 m (measured at a height of 1 m from the ground) and a crown diameter of 25 m. 02/08/2012
1Summer linden (Tilia platyphyllos)
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Summer linden ( Tilia platyphyllos ) 828828 Vienna , Wertheimsteinpark
The tree has a trunk circumference of 6 m (measured at a height of 1 m from the ground), which branches out into 7 mighty trunks at a height of 2 m, some branch again at a height of 3 m. The trunk is partially hollow. The crown shows a diameter of 23 m. 02/08/2012
1Service tree (Sorbus domestica)
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Service tree ( Sorbus domestica ) 829829 Vienna , Wertheimsteinpark
The tree has a trunk circumference of 2.30 m (measured at a height of 1 m from the ground) and a crown diameter of approx. 13 m. 02/08/2012
0BW Upload file Copper beech ( Fagus sylvatica purpurea ) 832832 Vienna , Cobenzlgasse 41
KG:  Grinzing
GrStNr: 832/1
The copper beech is a natural formation worthy of protection due to its peculiarity, the expansive unrestricted growth form and the resulting special character that it gives the landscape. 07/05/2013
1Natural rock formation in the sandstone Vienna Woods Upload file Natural rock formation in the sandstone Vienna Woods 843843 Vienna , Kahlenbergerdorf, Kahlenberggrat
KG:  Kahlenbergerdorf
GrStNr: 236; 237/3; 237/4, various intersecting plots
The Kahlenberggrat is one of the few natural rock formations in the Standstein-Wienerwald in the urban area. 03/06/2019

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