List of natural monuments in Dirmstein

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The list of natural monuments in Dirmstein calls in the municipality of Dirmstein designated natural monuments (as of April 4, 2013).

No. designation location description image
ND-7332-246 Loess walls west of Dirmstein west of Dirmstein along Landesstraße 453 (Obersülzer Straße)
also shooting hollow ; extensive natural monument; Loess walls and ravine Loess walls west of Dirmstein
ND-7332-516 Castle Park behind the Koeth-Wanscheidschen Castle (Herrengasse 45)
extensive natural monument; English landscape garden laid out in the first half of the 19th century Castle Park
ND-7332-517 Plane tree in the basement garden Affenstein, intersection Bleichstraße / Leiningerstraße
also thick tree ; Platanus sp.
Plane tree in the basement garden
ND-7332-518 Old graveyard Gerolsheimer Strasse
extensive natural monument; cemetery abandoned around 1855 with old black locust trees ( Robinia pseudoacacia ) Old graveyard
ND-7332-519 Wörschberger Hohl northwest of Dirmstein, Wörschberger Weg
extensive natural monument; A ravine cut into the loess Wörschberger Hohl
ND-7332-520 Choir fountain north of Dirmstein am Floßbach
also Chorbrünnel ; sulfur spring built in the first half of the 16th century Choir fountain
ND-7332-521 Four old maple trees in front of Herrengasse 45
Acer platanoides

Individual evidence

  1. Nature Conservation Administration Rhineland-Palatinate: Landscape Information System of the Nature Conservation Administration Rhineland-Palatinate ; Retrieved April 4, 2013